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“That’s correct. He came to me with Traisius and asked me to look after him while he went off in search of you, saying it was an emergency. Next thing I know, he’s back on my doorstep holding you in his arms.”

“Traisius? By the gods… he didn’t see me in my state, did he?”

“Of course not my dear, I wouldn’t scare the child like that. Don’t worry, I’ve cleaned you up and put bandages over everything, so you can see him when you wish. He’s asleep in the other room.”

“Where’s Zy now?” I ask.

“He’s just outside.”

As Phemes tends to more of my wounds, I listen to the sounds coming from outside the house. There’s a faint conversation, one of the voices I recognize as that of Zy’s. In between the rustlings and clattering of Phemes’ equipment, I can make out some of what’s being said.

“So it’s all handled now?” asks an unfamiliar voice.

“That’s right,” says Zy. “I had a good talk with him…if you know what I’m getting at. I’ve made doubly sure of it that he won’t be leaving his house for a while, not unless he has assistance.”

“I see. Well, you do know we’ll have to send medical help his way, I hope you understand.”

“I know. I just had to make sure of something while I was over there. That too I hope is understood on your part.”

“Given what you’ve told me of his crimes, the rest of the city guard can look past it in the name of self defense. Once he’s healed up, we’ll sort out arrangements for a public court hearing.”

“I trust I’ll be kept informed of that?”

“Of course, Zy.”

“And in the meantime, what will be done with the scum?”

“Rest assured, we’ll see to it that he’s kept under close watch.”


Who are they talking about?I wonder to myself. That’s when I suddenly recall the arrival of Zy into the Broken Horn Tavern. I remember Nova watching over its entrance, holding a weapon ready to defend me.

Flashing images of Zy run through my mind of him coming around to the bar and checking me, though I cannot remember how I reacted. That must have been when he took me back here.

But who was this person he was referring to? He went to someone’s house to sort something out? Wait a minute… Could it have been Mosar? Fuck, what did he do to him?

At that moment, the cry of Traisius rings through the air, catching my immediate attention.

“Can I see my son?” I ask.

“Of course, I’ll go fetch him,” answers Phemes. She spins around on her heels and marches out the door.

Just a minute later, she re-enters the room, holding a curious Traisius. Upon seeing me, he reaches out his arms, his face overcome with a mixture of relief and desperation. I take him onto my grip where I then rock him back and forth gently.

“Mommy’s here now,” I whisper in her ear. “She’s okay, don’t worry about a thing.”

Traisius quickly calms down, his body softening as his head falls onto my chest. Just then, a shooting pain whips through my back as I grimace in agony.

“Take it easy,” says Phemes. “You’re still very wounded.”

Just then, I hear the front door shut. Zy emerges into the room. At the sight of him, I suddenly remember how I wanted him to come in and save me from the wrath of Mosar. Obviously, he could not have known I was being beaten nearly to death while he slept, yet that thought alone only reaffirms just how safe his presence alone makes me feel.

He walks over to me and bends down to my level as Phemes takes our child from my arms. Written all over his face is a look of relief… and what I swear is love.

At that moment, I want to reach out and pull him closer for a kiss. He cups my face and begins stroking my cheeks gently.

“Kyra, you’re awake,” he says. “I’m glad to see it, how are you feeling?”
