Page 5 of Arming Alexis

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I washed off efficiently and left the glass enclosure with a towel wrapped around my middle. With an extra towel, I dried my hair as I moved back into my room.

Not bothering with clothes, I sank onto my bed. I rested against the headboard as I finished my pasta and drank my Gatorade.

An alert on my phone had me furrowing my brow and glancing at my watch. After midnight. Who would be texting me at this time of night?

Unknown number: Good girl.

My blood went cold. There was no doubt in my mind who was texting.

How did CP get my cell phone number?

Me:how the fuck did you get this number?

CP:You gave it to me months ago, just in case. Good night, Robin. Sleep well.

I wracked my brain, trying to remember when I would have given out my phone number. I was cautious about that.

But I must have. What else made sense?

Too tired to think further, I put my phone back on my nightstand and wiggled under my blankets.

* * *

The day had come.

The day I’d been preparing months, even years, for—the big heist.

With this score, I could set up several of the charities Stella established years ago.

Finally, it has all come down to this.

I had worked for weeks to investigate and find the weakness in their programming.

My eyes fluttered shut, and I took a deep breath before exhaling through my mouth. As I counted to ten, I cleared my mind.

I opened my computer and got myself comfortable.

Timing had to be precise. LifeCorps had a strong cybersecurity response team. But it was just after midnight, and only a skeleton crew was on call to respond to threats this late. My carefully laid breadcrumbs would allow me to sneak in as undetected as possible.

Just as I was about to dive in, an instant message chimed.

CosmicPain:Good luck. I’ll be here if you run into any unexpected issues.

Of course. It was starting to get eerie how much CP knew about me when I didn’t even know his name. Or what he looked like. Or what his voice sounded like.

But I could imagine.

Oh boy, had I imagined it enough.

Could you be sexually attracted to a man with whom you only had electronic conversations? Well, I guess the answer would be yes because I sure as fuck was. Instinctively, I knew he was an alpha. There was just something about him that exuded that energy.

But I would never let an alpha rule me. Ever again. Those days were long gone.

I slammed my head against my chair as a groan echoed around me. I needed to focus. Get CP out of my head.

Exiting the chat without responding, I got to work.

CP could go to hell for all I cared.
