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Could this be a taste of what my life would be like if I chose to stay here with him?

Upon reaching my villa, I scan my bracelet against the entry panel, and the door slides open with a soft hiss. Zethe moves inside, gently placing our bag of treasures on the table before easing me down onto the plush bed.

He moves to the kitchenette and returns with a glass bottle of water, the resort’s logo embossed on the side. He hands it to me, his gaze softening. “You need to keep hydrated, Rey,” he says, his voice a gentle murmur.

I accept the bottle, murmuring a soft “thank you” before taking a long sip. The cool water refreshes me, and I feel some of the day’s exhaustion start to ebb away.

Zethe remains standing, watching me with an inscrutable expression. I feel a surge of gratitude toward him, for the day we’ve spent, for his care, for his company.

“Zethe… thank you,” I say, meeting his gaze. “Thank you for today. It was wonderful.”

His lips curl into a warm smile, and he nods, seemingly at a loss for words.

The silence stretches between us, comfortable but filled with anticipation. I finally break it, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“And where will you be sleeping, Zethe?” I ask, an almost playful tone creeping into my voice. It feels natural, easy to tease him a little.

Zethe’s gaze grows serious as he shakes his head. “I’m not here to presume anything, Rey,” he says earnestly. “Last night… I only fell asleep next to you because I was making sure you were all right. I didn’t mean for my tentacles to hold you like they did.”

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks, a blush spreading across my skin at the memory. I had woken up cocooned in his tentacles, safe and warm, the steady rhythm of his breathing lulling me back to sleep. I had felt… cherished. Wanted. And that kiss, it was like a spark igniting a flame.

“Zethe, I…” I trail off, unsure how to express the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. “I felt cherished when you held me. Wanted. And that kiss…” My heart flutters in my chest, remembering the soft press of his lips against mine. “It made me feel desired.”

His eyes flash with something unidentifiable. “Rey,” he murmurs, leaning close. “I do desire you. I want to know you, learn everything about you. I want to care for you, make you smile. That’s what I want.”

“But I should be giving you something in return,” I protest, feeling oddly guilty. “You keep wanting to give me…”

“Your existence is enough,” he interrupts me gently, his gaze intense. “Spending time with you, enjoying simple activities… It’s more than I could have hoped for. You don’t owe me anything.”

My heart thuds heavily in my chest as I meet his gaze. “What if… what if I want you to stay tonight?” I ask, the words tumbling out before I can second guess myself.

His tentacles curl around me slightly, as though even they are eager for his answer. He leans in, pressing his forehead to mine. “Rey, I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give me. If all you want is to cuddle, then I’ll be the best cuddle partner you’ve ever had. I just want to be near you.”

I bite my lip, emboldened by his words. “And what if I want more than just cuddling?”

His grin widens, a spark of anticipation lighting up his eyes. “Then, my beautiful Rey, you just have to ask. I’ll cherish every moment.”

I draw in a shuddering breath, staring into his glowing eyes. The night around us suddenly feels charged with something electric, a tension pulling at every cell in my body. “Kiss me, Zethe.”

With a growl, his answer isn’t spoken.

Instead, he closes the space between us, pressing his lips against mine. His mouth moves over mine, insistent and demanding, a primal sensation that sparks a fire in the pit of my stomach.

His tentacles begin to move, slowly curling under the hem of my sundress, their touch gentle, almost reverent. They explore, caress, sending sparks of electricity through my veins. A gasp escapes my lips as his slick tentacles graze the bare skin of my thighs, the sensation so different from anything I’ve ever experienced.

Their cool, firm touch sending shivers up my spine. Their touch is light, teasing, a stark contrast to the fierce kiss we’re sharing.

“Zethe…” I moan, my fingers tangling in his hair, tugging slightly. He growls, the sound vibrating against my skin as he shifts his attention to my neck, his lips nibbling and sucking, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.

I gasp as he sinks his teeth into the sensitive skin, a light nibble that’s just enough to make my heart pound in my chest. A loud moan slips from my lips as I yank his long, dark hair, tugging sharply.

His grunt of approval sends a hot flush through my body. “You’re so incredibly beautiful, Rey,” he growls against my skin, the deep rumble of his voice sending another wave of heat through me. “I love the way you feel. The way you accept me for me.”

I gasp as his tentacles move higher, exploring the planes of my body underneath my dress. I meet his gaze, and the intensity there makes me shiver in anticipation.

“I want you, Rey,” he rasps, the words laced with passion. “Every part of you. Your taste, your touch, your moans… You drive me wild, and I can’t get enough.”

His voice drops to a whisper as he leans in close to my ear. “Tell me what you want, Rey,” he murmurs, his breath fanning hot against my skin. “Tell me, and I’ll make it happen.”
