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Rey squeals in delight as Leona starts arranging her hair. She looks radiant, her joy making her more beautiful than any jewel. She catches my gaze and smiles, her brown eyes full of happiness.

I feel a rush of affection for her, stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced.

I watch her, my Rey, among the merfolk, her laughter mingling with theirs, her joy clear for all to see.

“Perhaps we should do Zethe’s hair,” Rey suggests, teasingly biting her lower lip. “I can see how fierce shells and possibly sea glass would look good in it.”

Rey’s words spark a playful protest among the gathered merfolk, a few even tossing bits of sea glass and shells in my direction. The laughter and the mirth is infectious, wrapping around us like a warm blanket, making even the hardest hearts lighter.

“I think you’d look splendid, Zethe,” Sora calls out from where she’s sitting, a glint of mischief in her eyes as she grins at me.

“Me too,” Leona chimes in, her fingers expertly braiding a length of seaweed through Rey’s hair. “You should let Rey do your hair, Zethe. Show us your fun side.”

I chuckle, my gaze never leaving Rey’s. Her eyes are sparkling with anticipation, her hands clenching and unclenching in my tentacle. She wants to see me let loose, wants to see me step out of the persona of the stern lifeguard for just a while.

“Rey,” I start, my voice warm, my smile genuine. “My purpose is to guard the lives of those who visit this lagoon. If I were to ‘nap on the beach under the warm sun,’ as you put it, who would keep you safe?”

She pouts, a look of mock annoyance flashing across her face. “You’re not being fun, Zethe,” she complains, her voice filled with feigned exasperation.

That pout tugs at my heartstrings, her playful reprimand stirring something within me. It’s a feeling of warmth, of connection, of shared joy. It’s a feeling I’ve never experienced before, but one I’m eager to immerse myself in.

“I might not be fun in your sense, Rey,” I respond, my tentacle gently squeezing her hand. “But I promise you, I can be fun in other ways.”

And with a swift movement, I scoop her into my arms, the surprise clear on her face. The merfolk cheer and clap, their laughter ringing in my ears.

“See? Fun,” I say, looking down at her, a grin spreading across my face. She laughs, the sound resonating within my chest, making my heart pound with a warmth I’ve never known before. And in that moment, I realize that no amount of shells or sea glass in my hair could make me as happy as the sound of her laughter.

A soft blush paints her cheeks, even as her lips curve into a knowing smile. My heart thunders in my chest at the sight. She is radiant, all soft curves and sparkling eyes, brimming with life and laughter.

“But fine,” I concede, a playful smirk spreading across my face. “Perhaps one day, when you’ve earned it, I’ll let you style my hair. Maybe we can even do a… trade of sorts.”

“Trade?” Rey asks, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. I love that about her—her endless fascination with the world around her, her thirst for knowledge. She always keeps me on my toes, always asking questions, always eager to understand more.

“Yes,” I say, my tentacles sliding over her bare arms, tracing the delicate curve of her shoulders. “Perhaps we could come to some sort of… agreement. Maybe for every shell you add to my hair, I get to give you a kiss.”

A soft gasp escapes her lips, her dark eyes widening in surprise before a mischievous glint takes over. “It could be a lot of kisses, Zethe. You sure you can handle it?”

I chuckle deeply, my gaze never leaving hers. “Oh, my sweet Rey, you’ve no idea what you’re in for.”

Her laughter rings out, a soft, melodious sound that seems to breathe life into the quiet lagoon. As I watch her, surrounded by the merfolk, a sense of contentment washes over me.

With her, I’ve found my home. And I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.



As we enter, I’m instantly hit with the delicious smells of pizza baking, popcorn popping, and a hint of sea salt in the air. The aroma makes my stomach growl, reminding me of how hungry I am.

The restaurant is a lively hub of activity. There’s music playing, a mix of tropical beats and sea shanties. Monsters of all kinds are eating, drinking, and talking animatedly, their chatter mixing with the sounds of the music and the ocean waves crashing against the shore nearby.

“Wow, this place is amazing,” I breathe, taking in the colorful neon lights and the vibrant beach-themed decorations. I can see why this place is a hit among the resort guests.

I’m distracted by the spectacle of it all, but Zethe’s strong hand on my back grounds me. I glance up at him, finding a warm smile on his face. He’s watching me, his gaze soft and affectionate.

“Welcome to the Coral Cove,” he says, gesturing grandly around us. “The best place on the island for pizza and popcorn, and not a bad spot for dancing, either.”

I laugh at his words, my eyes wide as I take in the scene before me. “I’ve never seen a place like this before,” I confess, my voice barely audible over the hubbub.
