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A giggle escapes me, and I blush at his words. But I have to admit, I like the idea of driving Zethe as crazy as he does me.

I find myself blushing at his frankness, his dark eyes sparkling with humor and a hint of desire. His confidence is catching, and I lean into him, gently running a hand up his arm.

“So…” I begin, letting my words trail off as I lean forward, cupping his face in my hands. His eyes light up, a gleam of anticipation twinkling within their depths. “Does this mean that I can kiss you anytime I want?”

His grin is wide, his teeth almost luminescent against his gray-blue skin. “Absolutely,” he confirms, pressing his forehead against mine. “Never hesitate, Rey. I want to feel your lips on mine, as often as you’re willing.”

I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face, the happiness that bubbles up within me. I lean in, pressing my lips against his in a sweet, lingering kiss. His lips are warm and welcoming, the taste of him familiar and comforting.

I feel a warmth spreading through my chest, growing stronger with every heartbeat. It’s almost alarming how quickly I’ve grown to care for this… kraken. His gentle care and fierce protectiveness have managed to do something that I didn’t think was possible—they’ve awakened a desire within me. A desire to belong, to be wanted… to be loved.

As we pull away, I whisper, “You have no idea how much I want you, Zethe.”

“I have an inkling,” he murmurs back, his tentacles sliding around my waist and pulling me closer. “And trust me, Rey, the feeling is mutual.”

I giggle, nuzzling my face into his chest. It’s a wonderful feeling, this sense of intimacy, of being cherished. And as I look up into Zethe’s glowing eyes, I realize that this is just the beginning of our journey together, a journey I am more than willing to embark on.

Leaning up on my toes, I press a soft kiss to his lips. It’s a promise, a silent confirmation of my feelings for him. When I pull away, he’s looking down at me with an intensity that makes my breath hitch.

“Because I don’t want anyone else, Rey. It’s you. Only you.”

His declaration leaves me breathless, my heart pounding in my chest. This is what I want. Him. Us. Together. Despite my earlier worries, I’m starting to think that I could make a life here with Zethe.

He gently pulls me against him, wrapping his strong arms around me. “Let’s go, Rey,” he says softly, his lips brushing against the top of my head. “We have a lunch date to attend.”

And as we head out the door, hand in hand, I feel like I found where I belong, with Zethe.



Underneath the warm sun, we stroll toward the busy lagoon, our hands entwined. The merfolk gathered there turn their heads as we approach, their radiant eyes sparkling with interest and warmth. They are a spectrum of colors, their tails shimmering in hues of jade, azure, and amethyst, each of them adorned in a unique combination of jewels, shells, and sea treasures intricately woven into their hair.

At the center of all this activity stands Sora with her golden-haired sister, Leona. They look so much alike, their shared familial traits evident in their matching sapphire and silver scaled tails and their striking facial features. The siblings look up and beckon us over with bright smiles, their joyous greetings ringing through the air.

Rey is practically beaming, the excitement lighting up her face more dazzling than the sun overhead. Her eyes flicker between the merfolk, her gaze wide and sparkling, her grip on my hand tightening slightly in anticipation.

“Sora, Leona,” I greet, nodding at the mermaid sisters.

“Zethe, Rey,” Sora responds warmly. “We’re glad you could join us.”

Sora introduces Rey to the crowd of merfolk, her voice carrying above the lapping of the waves against the shore. They all wave at Rey, their colorful tails flipping in the water as they sunbathe on the large smooth stones. The sight of Rey among them, her radiant smile, and the welcoming waves, feels like a fitting integration.

Leona then gestures toward a smaller stone beside the one she’s using, inviting Rey to sit. “We’ll do your hair, Rey,” Leona offers. Her voice is soothing, like the lullaby of the sea.

I can tell Rey is taken aback by the offer, her eyes widening in surprise, but then she flashes me a quick glance, a silent request for approval. I squeeze her hand reassuringly, and she smiles, relinquishing my hand to make her way to the rock.

Sitting down, she looks up at me, her rich brown eyes shimmering with happiness and curiosity. I return her gaze, assuring her silently that everything is fine, that she’s safe here with them, with me.

“I’m here for moral support,” I state, my eyes never leaving Rey’s. Her fingers play with the end of one of my tentacles, her touch soothing yet electrifying. My skin tingles beneath her gentle caress, a reaction I’ve come to associate with her and her alone.

“Well, you’re free to join us if you change your mind,” Leona says, laughing softly. She retrieves a comb made of polished shell and begins working on Rey’s hair, while Sora gets to work threading beads and seashells into the strands.

The merfolk begin their task, brushing and braiding Rey’s hair, intertwining it with delicate shells and glistening stones. Watching her sit there, among the merfolk, being treated with such care and respect, fills my heart with warmth.

This is her place, among us, accepted and cherished. It feels natural to have her here, everything seems right with her by my side. It’s a perfect day, one I hope to remember forever.

Leona starts combing through Rey’s long hair, her nimble fingers untangling the strands with expert precision. Sora takes the opportunity to start threading in beads and shells, the colors complementing Rey’s dark locks perfectly. The merfolk crowd around, excitedly offering their own additions. Rey seems to glow with happiness, her smile never once fading.
