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He meets my gaze, a gentle smile gracing his lips. “I took care of it,” he says, his voice warm and reassuring. “I wanted to ensure that the house is clean before we get back. Besides, if you did the dishes, it would have taken longer for us to reach the ocean.”

Understanding washes over me, realizing that this small act of kindness is meant to make our time together more enjoyable. I nod, a soft smile tugging at my lips. There’s no need to argue over something as trivial as dishes this one time.

With excitement coursing through my veins, I take one last look around the house before locking the door behind me. Hand in hand, Zethe and I make our way toward my villa, the anticipation of the surprise stirring in my chest.



The sound of Hula’s hauntingly beautiful music lingers in the air as I lead Rey toward the lagoon, my hand wrapped securely around hers. The sight of the merfolk gathered there, their hair a rainbow of colors under the radiant sun and their sparkling tails flicking lazily in the water is a familiar one.

We weave our way through the crowd, their friendly greetings washing over us like the warmth of the sun. Sora and Leona, sister mermaids with the grace of dolphins, swim over to us, their curious eyes landing on Rey.

“What brings you to our humble lagoon?” Sora asks, a playful grin on her face.

“We wish to swim in the open ocean,” I reply, my gaze drifting toward Hula. “And I need to borrow Hula’s spelled gem necklace for the afternoon.”

Hearing her name, Hula stops playing her harp. The music falls silent, replaced by the gentle hum of the crowd and the lapping of the waves. She gives her harp a loving pat before she plunges into the water and emerges near us, her smile as bright as the tropical sun.

“Zethe,” Hula’s voice sings out melodically, her eyes sparkling with mischief and delight. She greets me with a nod, then turns to Rey. “And you must be Rey. I see the bond between you two. You are mated, yes?”

I feel a warm rush of pride as I reply, “Yes, Hula. Rey has gifted me with the permission to claim her, and I have. She has spilled her essence upon my pouch, marking me with the proof of her climax.”

Hula’s expression is serene and knowing.

She is the queen of this merfolk pod and the sea’s seer. I’ve known the white-haired mermaid for a long time, with diamond-like skin that glistens in the sun, blinding all who stare for too long. Her tail is covered in rainbow scales that resemble all the precious gems such as ruby, emerald, and sapphire.

Even though we are not of the same species, I respect her because she possesses unimaginable powers, and I fear for anyone who crosses her.

“So, you two have claimed each other.” Hula’s voice is low and filled with warmth. “Rey, has your essence spilled on Zethe’s pouch?”

Rey blushes a deep red, but her voice is firm when she answers. “Yes, Hula. I have claimed him.”

I feel a rush of pride and desire. I can’t help but pull Rey closer, wrapping my tentacle around her waist. I wanted the world to know, and now, they do.

We are mates. We are claimed. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Hmm,” Hula muses, her gaze traveling over Rey’s body, studying the tiny purple marks dotting her skin. Her eyes sparkle with amusement. “It seems that Zethe’s tentacles have indeed been… busy.”

A soft laugh escapes my lips, and I feel Rey’s body shaking slightly with laughter against mine. It’s a wonderful sound, the sound of her joy, and I find myself wanting to hear it more often.

Hula then turns to Rey, her tone suddenly soft. “Rey, my dear, my pod and I would love to spend more time with you. My daughters are quite taken with you.”

Rey’s smile is brilliant, her eyes shining. “I’d love that, Hula. Now that I’ve accepted Zethe and this… bond.” She waves a hand between us. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Hula’s gaze returns to me, her eyes narrowing slightly. “But there’s something else, isn’t there, Zethe?”

I bow my head in acknowledgment. “Indeed, Hula. I was wondering if we could borrow your spelled gem necklace. I want Rey to experience the ocean like we do.”

A chuckle escapes Hula’s lips. “So, being patient finally paid off for you, huh?” She reaches up to untie the gem from her hair netting and hands it to me. “As long as Rey wears this, she can breathe underwater. Lose it, and the water will become your enemy.”

“My enemy?” Rey asks. I can hear the fear in her voice as she looks at me with confusion.

“Yes, your enemy, and any who aren’t born of the sea,” Hula explains. “Water both creates and consumes life. It surrounds you. It allows you to be there when you swim in it. Pressure, temperature, and currents are all present.

“The necklace proves you’re respected by sea monsters. You have permission to be with us if you wear it.”

“As long as you have this on, Rey,” I say, wrapping the necklace around her neck and tying it to her merfolk hairnet. “You’ll be able to breathe, as well as withstand the water pressure and temperature.”
