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“Wow, that sounds incredible.” She lifts the gem to her face and looks up at the sky through it, staring at the swirls of the living water sealed inside. “But why allow me to use it?”

“Because you’ve accepted Zethe as your own,” Hula replies, her gaze fixed on Rey. “As a result, we accept you as one of us.”

“Thank you, Hula,” I say, staring at the gem in Rey’s hand. Its surface shimmers with an ethereal glow, as if the spirit of the ocean itself resides within it. “I appreciate your generosity.”

“It’s not me, it’s the will of the Moon Goddess,” she says with a knowing smile, before turning her gaze back toward the water.

Rey’s gaze turns to the merfolk pod, a soft smile playing on her lips. “Do you guys want to come swim with us?” She glances up at me, her eyes wide with excitement and a bit of nervousness.

I nod in approval. I understand her desire to share this experience, and the more aquatic monsters around us, the safer I’ll feel if anything goes awry.

The merfolk respond with a chorus of excited cheers, dropping what they’re doing to dive into the water. Their excited voices echo through the area, filled with anticipation about swimming with a human for the first time. Even other land monsters nearby stop and watch as the excitement builds.

Rey, her nervousness now more visible, turns to me. “What if… what if it doesn’t work, Zethe?”

Hula chuckles softly. “Oh, it’ll work, Rey. Just go and see for yourself.” She gestures toward the water, her eyes twinkling with certainty.

I squeeze Rey’s hand reassuringly, and we dive in.



With excitement coursing through me, Zethe and I jump into the lagoon, plunging into the cool water. As the liquid engulfs me, I brace myself for the usual urge to gasp for air.

But to my surprise, I feel perfectly fine. I can breathe underwater without any difficulty.

I glance down at my body, and my eyes widen in awe. A thin layer of shimmer covers my skin, as if I’ve been bathed in a pool of glitter. I’m mesmerized by the ethereal glow that envelops me, enhancing the beauty of this underwater realm.

Zethe watches me closely, concern etched across his features.

“Can you hear me?”Zethe asks, his voice weirdly loud in the water.

I try to reply, but instead, bubbles escape from my mouth.

Panic momentarily takes hold of me, the fear of drowning surging through my veins. But then, I realize that I’m perfectly safe. I can still breathe underwater, even after exhaling all my air.

Zethe reacts swiftly, grabbing hold of me and propelling us to the surface. We break through the water’s barrier, and I gasp for air, my heart racing.

Zethe’s eyes search mine, filled with worry. “Are you okay?”

Taking a few deep breaths to steady myself, I manage to find my voice, curiosity burning within me. “Zethe,” I begin, my voice laced with wonder. “How were you able to talk to me underwater? And how am I able to breathe even though I released all my air?”

He smiles gently, his voice soothing. “All aquatic monsters can speak telepathically to each other when they are in the water,” he explains, his eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and affection. “It’s the power of the water, connecting us and allowing us to communicate effortlessly.”

I digest his words, my mind trying to comprehend the incredible reality I find myself in. I ask once again, a glimmer of concern in my eyes, “Is what we’re doing safe?”

Zethe’s eyes meet mine, his gaze steady and reassuring. “Rey, this is the safest thing we can do,” he affirms, his voice filled with confidence. “Only a select few humans have the pleasure of experiencing this wondrous world beneath the surface.”

Taking a few deep breaths to steady myself, I look into his eyes and find solace in his words. “Zethe,” I say, my voice filled with determination, “I trust you. I’m ready to do this again, now that I know what to expect.”

A genuine smile graces his lips, and he takes my hand in his. “I won’t let you go,” he promises, his voice carrying a steadfast devotion. “I have you, Rey. Trust me.”

I nod, my eyes locked with his, a newfound sense of trust blooming within me. “I trust you.”

Together, we dive back into the water, and as I allow myself to immerse in this extraordinary experience, I’m finally able to see the beauty and magic that lies beneath the surface, a world filled with vibrant colors, enchanting creatures, and a love that transcends the depths of the ocean.

As we dive deeper into the ocean, a breathtaking sight unfolds before my eyes. We enter an underwater city built into the vibrant reef, illuminated by glowing orb lights that cast a mesmerizing glow. Domes of various sizes dot the ocean floor, each one housing aquatic creatures that swim gracefully in and out of them. The colors are a kaleidoscope of brilliance, with vibrant corals, exotic sea life, and stunning hues painting the underwater landscape.
