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I probably should have been cold since I was dressed in a sleepshirt that barely covered my ass, but I wasn’t.

I was too busy worrying about the fact that all the lights were off.

The illumination the baby flashlight gave off was minimal, just barely enough to see the floor in front of me as I walked toward the bathroom.

“It’s fine. Everything is fine,” I chanted to myself as I put my hand on the bathroom light switch to turn it on.

It seemed almost impossible that I’d forgotten to turn the lights on, but I’d been exhausted by the time Chase and I had finally retreated to our rooms.

I hit the light switch.

Click. Click. Click.



The bathroom lights weren’t working.

“You’re fine, Vanna. Everything is fine. Everything is fine.” I kept saying those words like a mantra, like by saying them, it would make everything okay.

My heart was racing, and I couldn’t seem to take a deep breath.

Shit!I hated the dark.

Unfortunately, there was plenty of that here in this room at the moment.


I should…check on him, right?

Something was obviously wrong.

My feet took me to his room as fast as the miniscule flashlight would allow.

Really, it wasn’t far since he was right next door.

I pushed his bedroom door open without a second thought.

“Chase?” I called out once the door was open. “Are you okay?”

“I was all good until you decided to bellow at me,” Chase said in a sleepy but teasing voice.

“What are you doing?” I said in a tense voice.

“It’s nearly four am, Vanna. I was asleep. What do you think I’m doing? Having a party?” he asked wryly.

“It’s dark, Chase. Really dark. I’m sorry. The lights aren’t working. I know it’s late. I didn’t mean to wake you. I was just—”

“Wait. Stay there,” Chase ordered, sounding suddenly very awake.

I knew he had heard the sheer panic in my voice, but I didn’t care.

“Not. Moving,” I said, my entire body trembling.

Breathe, Vanna. Just freaking breathe. The darkness isn’t going to kill you.

I heard Chase rustling around while he said, “The power is out. We’re getting a shitload of snow overnight. It happens sometimes.”
