Page 3 of Incitement

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I don’t think you’re sorry.

Ok, I don’t have time. Sorry, not sorry.

You’re proving you do have time by emailing me.

I don’t have time for your antics today.

Then let’s get lunch. You must eat. You don’t have any appointments for lunch. Let’s go.

Sorry, a new appointment just came in, have a good afternoon.

I checked her calendar realising id given myself away. Surely enough there was a new calendar appointment. Eat lunch with anyone who isn’t Wade Doust. I sat back in my chair. Oh babe, you just threw me a challenge.


Wade was a persistent prick. He had delivered flowers and emailed me incessantly. He made every excuse under the sun to come into my office and invade my space. He bought me coffee twice a day. He came into my office to empty my bin, saying he was just giving Debbie the cleaner a hand, she had a hard day. The problem was he was fucking hot, he was the funniest guy id ever met, and one of the only people I had met who matched my passion for property. He understood everything I did, and his ideas only improved and expanded on mine. I watched him with other staff. He was a perfect gentleman. He never overstepped with any of the other women. He was nothing but polite and helpful to everyone but me.

What was worse was that over the days that followed, Doug involved him in every business meeting and decision. Working with Wade was incredibly distracting. I would be on a roll addressing staff, and working hard and I would catch him smiling at me, winking at me and he would throw me off my game. I had no idea what Wade was playing at or what he wanted from me. I was no longer cautious of him. I was annoyed, I was cautious of my reaction to him. If I sat next to him one more time and he leaned too close or whispered a recommendation in my ear that caused another damn round of Goosebumps, I was likely to punch him in the balls. I mean Wade was hot, if he wasn’t a dickhead I’d be interested, maybe. No, I couldn’t allow myself to be interested. That’s what stuffed my life in the first place. Every time he touched me my body was zinging, which only served to piss me off more. My body was a traitor and Wade was a dickhead. An infuriating dickhead who just emailed me again.

Miss Porter,

I'd like to both congratulate and advise you that Emmet has phoned this morning and will be proceeding with the deal after all. Of course, this would not have been possible without your hard work and expertise.

Please be ready at 12 pm to meet with Emmet’s representatives and me.

Wade x

He literally put a kiss at the end of the email! I responded.



At 12 pm I knocked tentatively on Amber’s door. ‘’So, you knock now?’’ She asked as she opened her door. I shot her a grin. ‘’You’re a feisty little thing, aren't you?’’ Amber shook her head. ‘’And you’re agitating.’’ We walked together to the exit where I placed my hand on the small of her back and lead her to the limo. She shot me a look but climbed inside. ‘’Where is Doug?’’ ‘’He's at home with his wife today.’’ ‘’Oh.’’ Amber licked her lips and averted her eyes I noticed that she avoided eye contact with me wherever possible. I crossed my legs and stretched my arm along the back seat so that she would have to deal with my arm behind her or move. ‘’Do you mind?’’ ‘’Not at all sweetheart, it's a pleasure.’’ ‘’Why are you tormenting me?’’ ‘’Because your fucking beautiful when your mad, and because I’m interested in you Amber.’’ ‘’I’m not interested in the slightest Wade. The sooner you’re out of the way the better. I’ve poured too much time and effort into this business. When will you be done with your ‘advice’ to Doug?’’ ‘’I won’t be done for a very very long time Amber. In fact, we will be spending a lot more time together’’ I whispered. ‘’You can’t’’ she whispered back as she stared at my lips. ‘’Amber unless you want me to kiss your pouty lips you had better stop staring at mine.’’

Amber sucked in a breath and averted her eyes once more. I kept my arm where it was. She would just have to get used to my presence. I wasn't going anywhere. ‘’Where are we going?’’ ‘’My head office.’’ ‘’Why yours?’’ ‘’Because I feel like it, and for now Amber I'm calling the shots. Your fucking brilliant at your job so for today don't argue with me. Save that for tonight.’’ ‘’Tonight?’’ ‘’When you come out with me to celebrate tonight you can argue as much as you want. In fact, I encourage it. It will only make things more interesting.’’ ‘’Wade I don't date colleagues.’’ ‘’I guess it's lucky I'm not a colleague then.’’ ‘’I mean I don't date.’’ ‘’Ever?’’ ‘’Not in a long time.’’ ‘’Well then, it's time you did.’’ ‘’No, it's not!’’ ‘’Yes, I think it is.’’ ‘’You are fucking infuriating!’’ ‘’You’re fucking beautiful. I want you Amber.’’ I said simply. ‘’Wade, it's not happening.’’ ‘’I could have sworn you were attracted to me, Amber.’’ ‘’It's got nothing to do with that.’’ ‘’On the contrary baby it has everything to do with that’’ I stared intently into Amber's eyes, ‘’Why are you pushing me away Amber?’’ ‘’I just can’t get involved with you Wade.’’ ‘’You seem to enjoy spending time with me?’’ I pushed a lock of hair back from her eyes. ‘’Your breath hitches and you blush when I touch you? Are you not attracted to me?’’ ‘’ God no, it’s not that, it doesn’t matter.’’ ‘’God no, how expressive, so does that mean god yes you are attracted to me?’’ Amber cracked a smile. ‘’You’re an ass Wade Doust.’’

I leaned over and gave her a swift peck on the cheek before I climbed out and held the door open for Amber. She stepped past me to the entrance. I smiled. I caught up quickly when Amber had stopped to take in her surroundings. I knew she was impressed as she took in my offices. The foyer encompassed plush carpet and marble tiles, high ceilings and glass on two sides from floor to ceiling on the two sides of the building that looked over the water. I placed my hand on Amber's back and she jumped. I chuckled. ‘’This way sweetheart.’’ I directed her to the elevator, and we went up to the fourth floor. On this level, there was state-of-the-art technology, huge screens, a comfy lounge, a bar, and a huge boardroom. I'd chosen my office strategically because I was betting that Grayson would be in attendance.

I led Amber over to the boardroom. ‘’Make yourself comfortable Amber. They won't be far away. Would you like anything to drink?’’ ‘’Water please.’’ I strode to the intercom and ordered Sally to get the water and be prepared to serve lunch in a half hour. As suspected Greyson was led out of the elevator shortly after accompanied by a tall brunette with her breasts pushing out of her suit jacket and tight pants. This wasn't unusual. Greyson liked his women with no inhibitions. I didn’t judge the poor girl, I felt sorry for her. But I couldn’t save all of them, just my sister. And I made sure he would never lay a finger on her again.

‘’Greyson.’’ I held out my hand. ‘’Wade.’’ He shook my hand and brushed past me without introducing the woman. As I held out my hand and introduced myself to the woman with Greyson, I noted Greyson pull Amber in for a hug when she stood to greet him. ‘’Amber darling so good to see you.’’ Greyson pulled his chair close enough for his leg to brush hers. ‘’Um you too’’ Amber said as she tried to shuffle back inconspicuously.


Stupid fucking men seriously. Wade and Greyson should just go ahead and flip their dicks out on the table and get it over with. Our meeting dragged out, no tiny decision could be made without Wade or Greyson or both arguing. They were here for a pissing contest. Wade continually made displays of ownership over me. Brushing my hair from my face and placing his hand on my shoulder. Every time his body made contact with mine I felt like electricity was shooting through me. I didn't understand my body’s reaction to him. I mean sure he was fucking attractive. I'd love nothing more than to get down and dirty with this man, but I'd dealt with, and been around good-looking possessive men my whole life and never did I get butterflies and tingles from a simple kiss on the hand.

Greyson on the other hand gave me tingles for all different reasons. He kept trying to brush his leg against mine or lean over me to get something from the table or look over projections, accidentally on purpose brushing my breasts twice. But Greyson was just slimy. All my instincts screamed danger around Greyson and I knew now it was always best to listen to your instincts. Id tried to inconspicuously angle my chair closer to Wade and unfortunately had to encourage his possessiveness in hopes that Greyson would back off. I'd had enough, I was tired, and I was starting to feel like a piece of meat. Agitation chafed at me. I was incredibly grateful once all the documents were signed, and lunch was finished.

As soon as they were out of sight, I buried my head in my hands. Wade placed his hand on my back rubbing soothing circles. I stiffened. What the hell did Wade want from me? Was he just a shameless flirt? ‘’Relax Amber I can see you’re stressed. Don't over think it.’’ Wade placed both hands on my shoulders and began to massage me. I couldn't help it; I groaned and turned my head to the side as Wade worked the knots out of my neck and shoulders. ‘’That's it, sweetheart, relax’’ he whispered. I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to Wade's expert hands working out the kinks and knots at the same time the connection between us had my body zinging.

Wade stopped and came to sit beside me, taking my hand in his. ‘’Come out with me tonight Amber, let your hair down and have fun with me.’’ ‘’I can't.’’ ‘’You can.’’ As I stood, Wade caged me in against the desk, one hand on either side of me. ‘’Your body screams you’re interested Amber.’’ He slowly pulled my hand up and turned it over to kiss the delicate inside of my wrist. ‘’You see these tiny Goosebumps. You feel our connection, Amber. I've never experienced it before, but I can’t say I don’t like it.’’ I sucked in a breath. ‘’I don't get involved with wealthy powerful men’’ I whispered. ‘’Not now or ever, regardless of what my body thinks it wants.’’ Wade frowned but allowed me to step out of his embrace. ‘’Amber?’’ I turned to look at him, his piercing green eyes were surprisingly full of emotion. ‘’The staff have planned a surprise congratulatory party at a bar down the street. I think it’s important that you make an appearance. I’m sorry if I’ve made you feel uncomfortable. I’m not usually so forward but with you...’’ Wade stroked my cheek ‘’With you Amber, I have no control’’ he said simply. “Have I really read you so wrong? Am I that much of an ass, like him?’’ Wade gestured toward the elevators where Greyson had left. ‘’No Wade, your sweet and funny. I just have stuff going on and I can’t let this go further. All I can offer is friendship.’’ ‘’I’ll take what I can get for now.’’ Regardless of his comment Wade took my hand and lead the way downstairs.

As I stepped out of the elevator Wade's limo driver opened the door for us to climb in. Wade kept his distance from me this time. Sitting beside me but not crowding me with his presence. ‘’I have to say, Amber, you did very well dealing with Greyson back there. The no-shit attitude is exactly what he needed. You should be very proud of yourself for pulling this off.’’ ‘’Thanks, Wade.’’ Wade took my hand ‘’I’m sorry I’ve upset you and been too intense, I’ll give you a bit of space, a lot is going on. I don’t want to push you away, but I don’t want you not to consider this either. Let’s go have fun, you can have a drink or two with friends and ill drop you home safely after.’’ I smiled at Wade finally able to relax. ‘’Thanks, Wade, I can grab a cab I’ll be ok’’ I withdrew my hand as the limo pulled to a stop outside of an upmarket bar and restaurant some of the staff frequented.

We were escorted to a private room. I could hear pumping music and squeals as we approached. Wade stepped ahead and opened the door, as I walked through the room erupted in ‘’SURPRISE!’’ I was taken aback by the number of people in the room. Every staff member from head office was there and more. A banner was strung across the room reading Happy Birthday Amber. I had been expecting a few quiet drinks to celebrate a success I had not expected a surprise party or anyone to remember my birthday for that matter. Kaity bounced over to me. ‘’Are you surprised?’’ ‘’um yeah! How did everyone know?’’ ‘’I told them!’’ ‘’Kait!’’ ‘’Don’t start your crap, Amber, it’s a party, shut up and drink!’’ Amber thrust a tequila shot into my hand.

Oh god, this is going to be messy. Deciding to get it over with I threw the shot back enjoying the burn as it slid down my throat and into my belly. The room erupted in another cheer. ‘’That’s it girlfriend knock it back!’’ Even Dani was here! He pulled me into a quick hug and passed me a present. ‘’You didn’t have to get me anything.’’ ‘’Shh open it’’ he said excitedly. I unwrapped the small pink box. It was a bright pink travel mug with my name printed on it. ‘’I’ll make you a coffee in it every day!’’ I pulled Dani in for a quick hug. ‘’Thanks, Dani, it’s awesome, I love it!’’ ‘’Earn me a date?’’ I laughed, ‘’not quite’’ ‘’worth a try girlfriend.’’
