Page 4 of Incitement

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I noticed Wade bristling beside me, I expected a scene but instead, he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the bar. ‘’Let me buy you a birthday drink.’’ I laughed. ‘’That’s my job, buddy, who are you anyway?’’ ‘’The guy buying your friend a drink.’’ ‘’Not so fast buddy.’’ ‘’God Kait, this is Wade, he is a colleague.’’ ‘’Why haven’t you mentioned him before?’’ ‘’He’s new’’ I shrugged. ‘’Nope not buying it, he’s hot you would have told me about this.’’ ‘’OK ladies, I’m still in the room. Kait, I’m guessing best friend? I’m Wade, interested in your best friend and happy to get a grilling on a day of your choosing but let me buy you both a drink first.’’

I was shocked to silence. Kait’s eyes were bugging out of her head. ‘’Best friend and roommate, you’re interested in Amber huh?’’ ‘’Can you blame me?’’ ‘’I’ll take you up on that drink.’’ They both dragged me to the bar, I silently complied, shocked to silence by their easy banter and the fact that Kait was encouraging him. ‘’She likes tequila by the way.’’ ‘’Kait shut up!’’ ‘’Three tequila shots please’’ Wade ordered. ‘’Oh my god, the two of you.’’ ‘’Shut up and drink Amber!’’ Kait shoved the shot glass into my hands. I threw it back straight away. The rest of the night continued in that fashion.

Wade herded Kait and me to a booth at the side and lined up shots. ‘’So, suit man, spill. Who are you? What are your intentions with my best friend?’’ “Kait!” Wade laughed ignoring me. He held his hand out. ‘’Wade Doust’’ Kait’s eyes bugged out of her head. She didn’t let go of his hand. ‘’Wade Doust, the Wade Doust?! I knew you were familiar!’’ Wade laughed and took his hand back. ‘’The Wade Doust?’’ I asked quizzically. Wade gave me an odd look. ‘’Bloody hell Amber, Wade is practically famous, you live under a rock.’’ ‘’Oh right, why are you famous?’’ Wade looked uncomfortable. ‘’He’s a millionaire businessman, Cleo’s bachelor of the year, even got his kit off for a magazine to raise money for some kid’s charity.’’ I blanched. Wade ducked his head embarrassed.

‘’So, buddy I know who you are, Ambers not another notch in your belt. If that’s what you’re looking for run along.’’ ‘’Kait, oh my god you’re embarrassing me! Wade is working with me at the moment, nothing more!’’ Wade stretched his arm across my shoulders. ‘’Actually Kait, I’m very interested in Amber. I don’t want her for another notch in my belt. She will be the only notch in my belt. I may just have to tie her up and put her in a sack, so she will admit she’s attracted to me too though. ‘’I think I have rope in my car?’’ Kait offered. Wade laughed. “Kait, what the fuck! Who’s best friend are you?!’’ Kait kissed my cheek and wriggled her way out of her seat dashing over to the guy singing and playing the keyboard in the corner. I shook my head. ‘’Sorry about her.’’ ‘’Don’t be sorry, I like her.’’

I looked up at Wade noting his arm was still over my shoulders. ‘’Wade, there really can’t be anything between us.’’ Wade huffed. ‘’Amber when you can truthfully look at me and tell me you don’t want anything with me, not carry on about this crap of can’t be, then I will absolutely back off. I don’t chase women who aren’t interested, or really chase at all.’’ Wade leaned closer to me, taking both my hands and linking our fingers together. ‘’You are pretty fucking amazing sweetheart and I think you are as interested as I am, you’re just letting baggage and crap stand in the way.’’

I looked at our linked hands. It gave me more comfort than I wanted to admit, and butterflies erupted in my stomach. ‘’That’s it isn’t it Amber?’’ Maybe it was the tequila, I don’t know but I answered truthfully. ‘’Yes.’’ ‘’Good, look at me, Amber.’’ I had been talking to Wade's chest and I allowed myself to look up into his eyes. ‘’You are so beautiful.’’ Wade let go of my hand and brushed his hand along my check, without thinking I leaned into him. ‘’I’m going to kiss you, Amber, if you don’t want me to you need to say stop now.’’ Wade pulled me closer to him, his lips an inch from mine. I breathed, I knew I needed to say stop, Wade was giving me the chance, one breath, two breaths, three. Wade finally closed the distance and kissed me.

I forgot to breathe and forgot about everything except for Wade's lips touching mine. My hands went to his chest holding him to me. Feeling the hard planes of his chest through his shirt. ‘’Woo, look who bashed down Ambers walls!’’ Wade broke away from me and glared at Kait. ‘’Thanks, Kait’’ ‘’Your welcome mate.’’ Kait slapped him on the back. She was well on her way to drunk. She thrust 4 more tequila shots onto the table. ‘’Two each, chop-chop.’’ Wade smiled and threw back his shots. I couldn’t believe I had let Wade kiss me. My mind was in overdrive. I decided to throw back the shots in an effort to turn it off.

Wade smiled and pulled me to the dance floor. The man could move! The rest of the night continued like that, spiralling out of control. Wade’s hands roamed my body as we danced. Kait spilled everything she knew about me to Wade, him interestingly taking it all in and feeding us shots all night, and also tentatively making sure we both ate food too. I danced for hours with Kait and with work colleagues. Doug even popped in for a moment to give me a gift and a hug. I talked for hours with Wade content to listen and joke with him while he stroked my back. At some time much later in the night or early in the morning after uncountable shots and drinks Wade rounded Kait and me up and ushered us into his limo.

‘’Time to get you both home safely ladies.’’ I sank into the comfy leather and concentrated on trying to stop my head from spinning. ‘’You ok Amber?’’ ‘’Nup, heads spinning aand spinnn’’ ‘’We will have you home in just a sec baby.’’ I giggled ‘’like my car better than yoursh.’’ Wade smiled at me indulgently ‘’Is that so honey?’’ ‘’Yep, yours is all stuck up and slow, mines pretty and fast.’’ Wade laughed outright. ‘’You can show me tomorrow, come on I’m putting you both to bed.’’ ‘’OK, but you aren’t allowed in my bed.’’ ‘’That’s ok honey ill grab the couch.’’ ‘’Couch is shit, floors better.’’ I heard mumbling, probably me, and then darkness.


I managed to juggle both women up the elevator and into their apartment. Kait kissed my cheek. ‘’You better marry her mother fucker’’ she whispered in my ear before zig-zagging her way to her room. I smiled who better to be on my team than the best friend? Amber was passed out in my arms. She weighed nothing. I followed the corridor to Amber’s room and took it in. Decorated in the same way as the rest of the apartment with a huge print of a sunset boardwalk. I slid the covers of her bed back and laid Amber down. She stirred as I sat to remove her heels.

‘’You’re so pretty Wade.’’ I smiled at her. ‘’You too.’’ ‘’Are you going to kiss me again Wade?’’ I finished removing her shoes and pulled her into my lap. ‘’Do you want me to?’’ ‘’I like it I think, you give my belly butterflies.’’ I laughed. Amber was definitely drunk. ‘’Don’t laugh, I’m a very serious person.’’ Amber scowled at me. ‘’Your scowl is beautiful sweetheart. You need to sleep now.’’ ‘’I need to take my clothes off.’’ I shifted Amber off my lap. ‘’Do you want me to turn around?’’ ‘’Nope,’’ Amber looked at me expectantly as she stood wobbly and gave me her back. ‘’Unzip’’ she said. I held my breath as I slid her zipper down. She wore bright red lingerie underneath and I saw a peek of a butterfly tattoo under the edge of the lace of her thong. I saw the perfect v of skin exposed with her dress unzipped and turned. ‘’Take your dress off and climb under the covers sweetheart.’’ ‘’Aren’t you going to take it off?’’ ‘’No Amber, get in your bed.’’

I averted my eyes and gave her my back until I heard her climb into bed. I sat on the edge of her bed and brushed her hair back from her face. ‘’I’ll be on the couch if you need me.’’ ‘’You can sleep in my bed’’ she offered. ‘’No sweetheart I can’t.’’ ‘’I want you to’’ Amber pouted. ‘’Darling you’re drunk, I will stay with you when you will actually remember it, ok?’’ ‘’Will you kiss me goodnight?’’ I couldn’t say no. I barely kept myself contained as I pulled her to me and kissed her gently. Amber locked herself to me sitting up and letting the covers drop under her bra. She kissed me ravenously. ‘’Mm, babe’’ I whispered against her lips. ‘’Noo kiss me, Wade, it’s all I think of every day.’’ She pulled my hand to her breast and pushed herself to me. We both groaned. ‘’Sweetheart stop. I want this more than anything but your drunk.’’ ‘’I’m not drinked’’ she pouted. I kissed her forehead. ‘’See you in the morning sweetheart.’’ I had to forcibly remove her hands from my neck distracting her with kisses until l I extricated myself from her grasp. ‘’Night baby’’ I kissed her forehead and left her room, leaving her grumbling on the other side of the door. I looked at the couch knowing I wouldn’t get a minute of sleep.

Chapter Four


Iwoke with a massive headache. I opened my eyes and then shut them quickly. The light hurt badly. ‘’Ooww shit.’’ ‘’Amber your awake’’ I cringed. ‘’Kait shut up it hurts’’ I whispered. Kait whispered back to me ‘’Sorry just thought you might want to be awake. That hot hunk of yours is cooking breakfast.’’ I peeked one eye slightly open. Kait's grin was ridiculous. ‘’He’s not MY hunk’’ ‘’Can I have him then?’’ I scowled at Kait and rolled over attempting to get out of bed. There was a knock at the door. ‘’There’s a Barocca outside the door for each of you ladies.’’ ‘’Thanks, honeybun!’’ Kait shouted.

I groaned and stood upright trying to think of what I should wear. I looked down at myself realising I was still in my red bra and thong. I thought back to last night, groaning. Id begged Wade to kiss me and id clung to him begging him to stay in my bed. Fuck! I decided the best course of action was to have a shower & put on my active wear. Have a small breakfast and go for a run, put some distance between myself and Wade. I pulled on my clothes and grabbed my joggers and socks, padding out to the kitchen. ‘’Hey,’’ I said self-consciously. ‘’Morning’’ Wade chirped. ‘’I made bacon if you want some.’’ ‘’Thanks.’’ We sat at the table eating breakfast, me in awkward silence, Wade and Kait chatted away excitedly about last night. ‘’Oh, I have to give you your present. You were too drunk last night. I was worried you would lose it.’’ ‘’You didn’t have to get me anything.’’ ‘’I wanted to.’’ Wade passed me a small wrapped box. I hesitantly took it. Wade was so intense I was scared of what would be inside. I tentatively opened the wrapping and box to find a small bejewelled pink pen nestled in tissue paper. I laughed. ‘’This is awesome, thank you.’’ ‘’Matches the rest of the pink crap in your office.’’

I smiled at Wade and scooted my chair back. ‘’Thanks for breakfast Wade and the pen, I’m off for a run. I suppose ill catch you after the long weekend?’’ ‘’Sounds like an awesome idea, I planned on a run this morning too, give me five and I’ll get changed.’’ Wade pecked my cheek and grabbed a duffel by the lounge, letting himself into my room like he owned the place. I stared Kait down as she smirked at me. We left the apartment and I clicked the button on my Fitbit. ‘’You will have to excuse me, I’m a tad fast, if you can’t keep up ill come back for you once I do my circuit’’. Wade laughed at me ‘’fast huh?’’


With that, she took off. She was right, she was fucking fast. At a full sprint, I just managed to keep up with her. I was just starting to pray to god that she would slow soon before my heart gave out when Amber slowed down outside a coffee shop. She faced the ocean and took deep breaths slowing her heart rate. She was so fucking beautiful. I took the opportunity to steady my own heart as much as I could while I watched her stretch out her lithe body. She turned to me ‘’You did well.’’ ‘’You weren’t joking when you said you were fast.’’ ‘’Nope, I train every day.’’ ‘’For what?’’ ‘’To be fast’’ she shrugged. I stored that thought away to consider later. ‘’Let’s grab a coffee’’ We entered the coffee shop and I was frustrated to see the same lovesick fool who was attempting to make moves on Amber last night. ‘’Hey girlfriend!’’ the fool chimed. Amber smiled, ‘’usual please Dani.’’ ‘’Coming right up baby, You free tonight?’’ ‘’No, she’s not, I’ll have the same thanks.’’ The barista's smile disappeared as I wrapped my arm around Amber’s shoulder. ‘’Coming right up.’’

We stepped to the side to wait for our coffees. ‘’That was bullshit Wade, stop treating me like I’m meat. Dani is harmless and he’s my friend.’’ ‘’He’s interested, you can’t blame me for wanting to clear the field, Amber. I’ve made it clear to you where I stand.’’ ‘’If you keep being a dickhead you won’t be standing at all you will be laying on the ground holding your balls!’’ Amber took her coffee and left the store without a backward glance. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Amber was fucking brilliant, smart, sassy, and beautiful. She was everything I had ever hoped I would find in a woman. I took my coffee from the fool and followed after Amber. She stomped all the way back to her apartment with me tailing her. ‘’Go home Wade’’ she tossed over her shoulder. ‘’Sure darling, can you give me a lift.’’ ‘’Nope, where’s your snooty limo?’’ ‘’I gave my driver the day off when you told me you wanted to show me your pretty shiny car.’’ Amber stopped dead, eyes wide, hand over her mouth. ‘’Oh my god, did I say that?’’ she whispered. ‘’Yep.’’ ‘’Oh my god, what else did I say?’’ ‘’So many things baby, it was a very insightful night and a lot of fun.’’

I thought back over the night. All the stolen kisses, smiling and laughing. Amber clinging to me begging me to sleep in her bed. Amber must have been thinking the same thing ‘’Oh god let me die’’ she whispered. ‘’I’ll have a shower and you can drop me home and you won’t have to see me til Tuesday when I bring your coffee.’’ ‘’You’re a pain in the ass Wade.’’ ‘’You weren’t saying that last night sweetheart, Actually I think I remember you demanding to see my ass.’’ Amber groaned. ‘’I was drunk.’’ I pulled Amber’s hand whisking her into my arms before she had time to protest. ‘’I know that’s why I fought you off and slept on the lounge.’’ ‘’God I’m so sorry.’’ ‘’Don’t be, you were adorable.’’ ‘’Last night, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to let anything happen. It doesn’t change that I can’t be with you Wade.’’ ‘’So, we’re back to that Amber?’’ Amber looked into my eyes. ‘’Sweetheart we are so natural together you don’t even realise as you push me away you hold my hand tighter.’’ I indicated our linked hands before Amber yanked hers away. She hugged herself before turning and walking back to her apartment in silence.


I let us back into the apartment and ignored Kait's crooning over Wade's sweaty body. I grabbed two towels from the linen press and threw one at Wade. ‘’You can take the main bathroom. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes, so I can drop you home and get some peace.’’ ‘’Sure babe.’’ I rolled my eyes and went to my room laying out a pair of skinny jeans, my favourite black sparkly g string and a bright red across the shoulders top, deciding I could probably skip the bra if I was just dropping off Wade and running some errands. The fact that id laid out sexy underwear had nothing to do with Wade and everything to do with just wanting to feel pretty. I think. I entered my ensuite to have a shower. I let the hot water work out the stress in my muscles and my frustration over Wade. I wrapped myself in a towel and let myself back into my room. ‘’Holy crap!’’ ‘’Oh, sorry babe.’’ Wade was in my room getting dressed. He was just pulling on boxer briefs. His ass was amazing. His body was everything I imagined and more, his body was rock-hard abs and muscles. ‘’Wow.’’ Wade pulled on a shirt. ‘’If you like what you see baby, I’m happy to take it back off’’ Wade smiled at me making no move to put on a shirt. I stared at his chest. Holy fuck. There were no other words. Wade sauntered closer taking my hand and smiling at me. ‘’You like?’’ He asked as he took my hand and guided it over the muscles and planes of his chest. I snatched my hand back. ‘’I need to get dressed.’’ ‘’I’d rather you didn’t, I like you in a towel.’’ ‘’Go on smart ass.’’

Wade shrugged on his jeans and pecked me on the cheek on the way past. I quickly threw on my clothes deciding not to worry about makeup, and I brushed my hair out and left it down. I grabbed a pair of thongs, and my handbag, and left my room. Wade and Kait were whispering in the kitchen. ‘’What are you pair talking about?’’ ‘’I was just warning Wade about your driving.’’ ‘’Mmm, he should be worried’’ I waggled my eyebrows. ‘’Let’s go’’ I threw over my shoulder as I headed toward the door. Wade followed quietly and as we entered the basement; I couldn’t help myself. ‘’Nervous Wade?’’ ‘’Very.’’ I realised I had butterflies myself, I pressed the remote for my car and Wade let out a whistle. ‘’Well, she is pretty and shiny just like you said.’’ We climbed in, and I opened the panoramic roof and relaxed in my seat. ‘’Address?’’ ''79 Panorama Drive, Burleigh Heads.’’ I plugged it into my GPS and smiled. Wade was in for an experience. I revved the engine and screamed out of the basement. I relaxed behind the wheel and enjoyed the drive, even more so noting the whiteness in Wade's tensed knuckles. I pulled into the basement car park of a massive tower. ‘’Wow nice, what level are you on?’’ ‘’Penthouse.’’

Wade sat in the car smiling, making no move to get out. ‘’What?’’ ‘’I just don’t even know what to say to you, Amber. I never imagined my dream girl would be a rev head for one.’’ I laughed ‘’I don’t know about dream girl Wade.’’ ‘’Let me take you on a date Amber.’’ ‘’I told you Wade I don’t date.’’ ‘’We have fun together Amber, I’m not asking anything more than a few hours of your time to go have some fun.’’ ‘’I’ll think about it.’’ ''I'll be waiting to hear from you. Text me.’’ ‘’I don’t have your number.’’ ‘’Yes, you do, you saved it in your phone last night. I think you said you would save it under sweet persistent asshole.’’ My face dropped. Wade grinned and pulled my hand over for a kiss before grabbing his duffel and climbing out, disappearing into an elevator. I smiled to myself as I drove away. When I got home, I got started on housework. It always helped me relax a bit. I was cleaning windows when I heard the chime of my phone.

Just making sure you knew what you saved my number as. W xxx

Interesting. It’s saved as funny, persistent but strictly colleague Wade

You think I’m funny?

Well, I remember hazy parts of last night with you dancing on bar tops.
