Page 54 of We Will Conquer

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“You’re right. It is for Harlow,” I admit. “Most things I do are. But that doesn’t mean we’re not here for you, too, and just as glad to have you with us as we are to have each other.”

“You don’t have to say that. I know I—”

“We’re all well aware of what you’ve done, Nico,” I interrupt. “If you think either of us are gonna continuously punish you for the sins of your family, or for not being able to stay away from her, think again.”

“Yeah, can we knock the pity party off?” Ezra adds. “No one’s giving you any sympathy.”

Nico huffs a laugh. “Asshole.”

“Nah, we get it. What’s happened has happened; we’re just looking to get through the consequences of it. Together.”

“You three are so cute,” Harlow gushes, and Nico tickles her ribs until she’s writhing and squealing on top of him.

“We’re not cute, we’re formidable,” Nico corrects.

“And dangerous,” I say as I laugh.

“And hot,” Ezra adds.

“Okay, okay,” she babbles through a laugh. “Formidable, dangerous, hot. I got it.”



I’m not sure I sleep at all. I hold Harlow, surrounded by Ezra and Sawyer, and memorize this moment. I picture this exact scene happening in a week’s time when it’s all over and we’re back, safe and sound, in bed in Harlow and Sawyer’s apartment, together.

I’ve grown up with family—my sister, my uncle, my father. I’ve grown up with staff who would happily cater to any whim I had and protect me if needed. But I’ve never felt like I’m exactly where I should be. Maybe where I was meant to be by order, or needed to be by instruction, but never where Ishouldbe. Right now, wrapped around my girl with way more penises in the bed than I ever imagined, I feel exactly that. This is where I should always be.

So, I try not to let the overwhelming anxiety for what’s about to happen gnaw at me. The change in rules so close has left me wondering what else might change between now and the winner being announced. I try to stifle down the hatred that burns through my veins for my father, who has orchestrated this whole thing. Instead, I bathe in the warmth of those around me, breathe in the smell of Harlow’s hair, and will us through to the future as I watch the sunlight get brighter through the curtains.

The alarm goes off before the sun has fully risen, everyone stirring around me. I drop a kiss to Harlow’s head, gently shift her off me, and while they’re all still stretching, climb out of bed to use the bathroom and put some coffee on. Then it’s a game of rotation as we take our turns washing and getting dressed. I’m standing in the kitchenette when Harlow comes out, dressed in her official Sentinels gear. Of course, if anyone can pull off the black workout gear with navy and pale blue detailing, it’s her, and the way it highlights her eyes has acid crawling up my throat. I hand her a mug of coffee, which she takes with a thanks before setting it back down and wrapping her arms around my waist. Propping her chin on my chest, she looks up at me, no nerves showing at all, just a small smile across that pretty face.

“Morning,” she says gently, the smell of mint coming from her words.

“Morning, baby.” I lean down to kiss her softly. She drops her chin, tucking her face into me, and I wind my arms around her shoulders. We don’t say anything else, just enjoy the quiet moment before everything kicks off. Ezra and Sawyer join us soon after, both grabbing their own mugs, and Sawyer pours Harlow’s into a to-go cup. When they’re finished, I press a kiss to Harlow’s hair again, and she pulls back, another little reassuring smile on her lips. I try to return it as best I can, but I’m not sure how convincing I am.

Everyone’s quiet as we pack up the car and drive to the hotel. It takes a couple of hours with a stop for breakfast en route, but it’s devoid of its usual chatter. Even Ezra is calm and businesslike. I think last night we said what we needed to say, and now we’re in the zone for The Games. There’s a feeling of anticipation rather than nerves, but that’s to be expected. To be honest, I expected more nerves, but I seem to be the only one anxious. Harlow must be able to tell, because even though we don’t say much, she stays close, a hand on me whenever possible.

We check in uneventfully, with familiar faces milling around, as is expected for the Seconds hotel. We’re shown up to our suite, and Ezra whistles as we see it for the first time. We enter into the living area, with a bar to the side and full-length windows straight ahead. Harlow walks over to them, looking out at the view.

“Is that it?” she asks, no doubt referring to the huge warehouse infrastructure in the not-too-far distance. I walk up behind her, and she instinctively leans back against my chest as I rest a hand on her hip.


She doesn’t say anything else, just watches it as if it might jump up and attack her. That is until Sawyer cheers from another room and calls for her. I follow her into where he’s spread starfished on a bed that’s easily big enough for the four of us. An Alaskan King, to be exact.

“Everything was worth it for this bad boy,” he jokes, and I roll my eyes as Harlow chuckles.

“I’m glad you think so,” I say.

A knock on the door steals my attention from Harlow crawling onto the bed, needing a hand from Sawyer as it’s so tall, and by the time I’ve made my way back to the living area, Ezra has answered it. His shoulders square, so it can’t be anyone invited. I join him and see my uncle on the other side of the threshold.

“Can we have a minute, Nico?” he asks. I nod, but as he makes a move to walk forward, I step outside instead, closing the door behind me. He looks perturbed, but I don’t care anymore. Harlow and the guys are the ones I’m protecting now, and I don’t want any of their space tainted by having him in it. He was the maker of my girl’s most traumatic moment, and even if he wasn’t the direct cause, I don’t want him near her. He shakes his displeasure off as I lean against the doorframe, waiting for him to say what he came here to say.

“I didn’t know if I’d manage to catch you at the arena, so I wanted to come and officially wish you good luck.”

“Good luck?”
