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Chapter One

Amadine finished the last line and closed the new laptop. She would let it sit for a few days and then send it to her publisher with the character descriptions and see what kind of preliminary sketches they could come up with.

She stretched and looked into the study. The baby was only four weeks from being full-term. The emergency power was stable, the solar power was steady, and the snowy cabin in the mountains was perfect for working. Amadine was warm, cozy, and sipping coffee when there was a knock on the door. She jerked her head toward it and blinked, walking over to open the door. Aksalla Nine was standing there in jeans, a soft sweater, and a mask.

“Oh, no. I forgot again.” She groaned. “Come in.”

He laughed. “You have to be the most unusual patron that I have, Patron.”

“I don’t know why she keeps sending you here.”

He chuckled and headed for the kitchen, moving easily and tidying up after her.

She sent out a sensory check, and the com was the only thing on him with a memory of past events. His mask was a thinner version of the original one.

“Um, thanks for taking care of the snow.”

He chuckled as he did the dishes. “No problem. You didn’t even notice you were snowed in, did you?”

Amadine shrugged. “No. Not really. I did finish a project, so that was fun.”

He laughed. “Have you eaten?”

She paused, “Like... ever?”

“So, that’s a no. What are you in the mood for that isn’t tacos?”

“You are no fun.”

“Fun costs extra.” He smiled.

Amadine snorted and went to grab items from the freezer and the indoor garden. “What can you do with these?”

He chuckled. “Meatloaf.”

“Done. I just have to check on the other project and will be back to help.”

She smiled and walked to the study where she adjusted the nutrients on the incubator and pressed her forehead to the canister where her daughter/niece was developing. It was complicated, but her sister deserved a family, and this was the only way for it to happen. She smiled. Her sister would have preferred more time, but Amadine was making money and could help now, so she was the perfect babysitter for the little baby.

“Who is that?” Aksalla Nine was standing in the doorway.

“My niece. She’s almost ready to come out and greet the world.”

“Where is your sister?”

Amadine put soft lighting on with a red hue and set a soft heartbeat pulse for the baby to listen to. “She’s on a mission. She will be back soon.”

She walked out of the study and set the security lock behind her.

Amadine walked with him and said, “Why are you available anyway? Behavioural suspension?”

He paused and chuckled. “Right. I have overstepped. Um, no. I had to appear in court, and it requires me to remain close to home until the proceedings are done.”

“Ah. Well, that is just... What is the court proceeding for?”

He chuckled. “Too personal. If I tell you, you will know who I am, and then it defeats the purpose of the mask.”

“Oh. Right. Well, back to work, meatloaf machine.”
