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He kissed her shoulder, and she blinked and moved around and back to her hot chocolate. Amadine came back, washed the dishes, and said, “Night, Ondine. They are expecting us tomorrow.”

Ondine called out, “Sorry. He wanted to see it.”

“That’s how most omegas get pregnant.”

Ondine blinked and snickered, and Geero wrapped his hand around her neck and pulled her in carefully for a sweet kiss. She blinked in surprise and then slowly closed her eyes. She sighed into his mouth, and he pulled her in close very carefully.

She returned the kiss and tasted chocolate on his tongue.

He continued to ease her toward him, and her naked breast pressed against his chest. He was hard and hot as she curled against him.

He had to bend down to kiss her. She felt bad about it, so she separated from him and hopped onto the counter so he didn’t have to flex.

He stepped toward her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he smiled. “Thanks for that. You are petite.”

“Short. You can say it. It isn’t a four-letter word.”

“I would rather not say anything. Well, I would like to apologize to Amadine for driving her away.”

Ondine smiled. “I think me being topless might have something to do with it. She doesn’t like it when I take damage.”

“I am not a fan of it either.”

“It’s my job.” She was calm.

“It doesn’t have to be. You are about to be a mother. You can retire.”

She smiled as his head neared hers. “It isn’t my baby.”

“Amadine disagrees.”

“I don’t know where the male donor was found or how it was chosen. Amadine chose him, and she won’t say who he was. The others she chose didn’t survive the four-cell stage. Bad mix.”

He paused. “She has tried this before?”

“The other four eggs didn’t survive, so this one has made it to term. It’s still a better ratio than most active females.”

Amadine’s voice rang out, “I can tell you what you want to know now.”

Geero chuckled. “Is she always listening?”

“Of course. It is how she writes her books. Authors are nosy bastards.”

Amadine chuckled. “She isn’t wrong. I am just trying to give you guys privacy, but you don’t seem to be going for it.”

Ondine shrugged. “There are questions.”

“Fine. Geero is the male contributor to the baby. I have been trying on different escorts to see which ones I get along with, and Geero was the first who did everything I asked without freaking out. He even let me cheat at Scrabble, so after the first date, I asked for him to be the contributor, and it worked. When you were ready, I set you up to be here at the same time.” Amadine spread her hands. “Ta-da. You two get along.”

Ondine stared. “Why you scruffy little pervert.”

“Says the topless wonder with a death grip on a guy who just dropped his towel.”

Ondine’s gaze dropped to Geero’s waist where the towel was still wrapped over an interesting peak. “What?”

Amadine snickered. “Made you look.”

Chapter Five
