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“Not particularly. I just don’t want to put you out.”

Amadine’s voice came out in a sing-song. “You could share the bed.”

Geero looked at Ondine and grinned. “You are right. She is incorrigible.”

She shrugged. “Yeah.”

“So, I don’t mind sharing if you don’t. I promise, no shenanigans.”

Ondine sighed. “Everything you say is going into a book.”

“Why not? I am witty as fuck.”

She giggled and then nodded. “I will pack a bag for tomorrow. You can crash in my room anytime.”

He chuckled. “I will take you up on that.”

Ondine froze as she realized she had opened a blanket invitation for him to share her blankets.

She nodded, looked around, and sighed. “I will have to scrub Titan before we leave. That last guy left brains on my armour.”

“There was a survivor?”

“Well, there was an intruder that wasn’t dead. He didn’t survive shit.”

He grinned. “I enjoy practicality.”

She smiled. “Right. My room is the last one on the right. Oh, right. You took a shower. I am going to check on Amadine. I will be in in a moment.”

He nodded, and as she turned, her soft expression fell. She stalked into her sister’s room, and the bags that were packed and waiting made her sigh. Amadine sat up with a grin. “So? It’s working well, right?”

“Amy, what are you doing?” Ondine sat on the bed next to her.

“I want you to find a good guy and settle down with the baby. We can be a family.”

Ondine looked into her own face and sighed. “It is unlikely. I am not a whole woman. I am parts and metal and damage. My self-confidence is somewhere around minus two on a scale of one to ten. Don’t inflict me on Geero. He’s nice and deserves better. One of those other women would probably be an excellent partner for him. He just needs to give her a second chance.”

“But... the baby. Our genes blend.”

“It was bound to happen. He’s an alpha; we are omegas. The odds were that we could match with one eventually. Fifth time was the charm.”

“But... you spark and smile around him. That never happens.”

“It isn’t all about me, Amy. There are two people or more in a relationship. They all have to wake others up and make them feel happy.”

“But you like him!” Amy’s face was getting desperate. “He’s excited about the baby.”

“Most actives are excited for healthy offspring, and as for my liking him... he’s gorgeous, funny, can cook, and he likes my family. I would be insane not to like him. He also smells like a cold, snowy day.”

“You love cold, snowy days.”

“Yes, but I don’t smell like anything to him. Most of the areas that carry scent were destroyed. Scent is part of courtship and mating. If we can’t satisfy our partners, they won’t stay. They will always be looking for someone that fits what their body calls for.”

“He seems really interested in you.”

“I am a curiosity. Female actives are already slightly rare, and ones that are powerful are rarer. Titan is thought to be a male, so having a small woman inside is like a weird surprise.”

Amadine clutched her hand. “He’s attracted to you. He’s fascinated byyou. Not Titan. If he was interested in Titan, his fuzzy self wouldn’t have slapped your butt. Tell me that that has ever happened before.”
