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Ondine thought about his easy attitude toward her in the armour and outside of it. “Maybe he is just easygoing.”

Amadine squeezed her hand. “And maybe he actually likes you. Now go to bed.”

“Fine, but we are going to deal with your dosing me with heat when we get to Yalida’s.”

Amadine winced. “Right. Yeah. Sorry. I just...”

“I know. Impulse control hasn’t shown up yet. I am waiting for it.” Ondine kissed her forehead. “We leave early.”


“I will try. If you get up before me, can you prep the fruit?”

Amadine grinned. “Deal.”

They hugged, and Ondine tucked her in, smoothing the covers up around her.

She went to the door and turned off the lights with a hand gesture. She closed the door and headed to her bedroom. She had to ask him when she got in the room, “Where did you get your suit?”

“Oh, it was on my flyer, just in case. I got it when the perimeter alarms went off. I didn’t know how much switching between forms I would have to do, so I didn’t want to wreck my jeans.” He finished brushing his teeth, and she saw it was her toothbrush being used for the purpose.

She moved around her bedroom and got a bag together with clothing compressed into tight tubes and her favourite toothpaste and hairbrush. She dropped in her tablet and sealed the bag.

He came out of the bathroom, and she grabbed a t-shirt with Dr. Torenne on it. She closed the door, stripped off her suit, and stepped into the shower. Her skin was more mottled than she liked, but the silver splotches weren’t as covering as they normally were, aside from her recent damage. Just like the doctors had predicted, she was getting better.

Chapter Six

She was clean and wearing her pyjamas when she went back into the bedroom. Geero was missing, so she shrugged and got into bed. Once she settled, the door opened and closed, and he crawled into bed next to her. “I didn’t want to make it weird when I asked what side of the bed you preferred.”

“Is that a weird subject?”

“Everybody lies to please their partner and ends up frustrated when they can’t sleep on the other side.” He chuckled. “In your bed, you sleep where you are comfortable. In my other form, I sleep sitting up.”

“That doesn’t sound comfortable.”

“I am naked and hairy and like the cold. Comfortable doesn’t come into it.”

She chuckled.

“Can I put my arm around you?”

“Geero, get comfortable. I sleep sitting up in a metal case. I can sleep anywhere.”

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against him and burying his face against her neck. She heard the snuffling again and sighed. “You aren’t going to catch a scent.”

He hummed. “I can still try.”

Ondine’s toes curled with the humming sound. Another flicker of the chemical heat streaked through her, and she pressed her thighs together. The snuffling started again, and then he paused, “There it is.”

“What? Yikes!”

He flipped her to her back, and his head pressed below her navel while he snuffled again. When he lifted his head, his pupils were huge and his eyes were glowing. “There’s your scent.”

“Uh, what?”

“The scent that is uniquely you. Green grass, metal, and fresh blood oranges.”

“Oh, that sounds like a battle in a citrus field.” His proximity to her thighs was adding to the heat building up and running through her.
