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The prefect smiled. “The paperwork will be done by the end of business tomorrow. You will be fine, and I promise to get in contact with you as soon as you are cleared to do construction. Do you have a team working for you?”

The guys all perked up, looking eager to help.

“No, I will pull the house together myself. I will let Geero know that I will call him when the baby emerges.”

Remark was hesitant. “I thought he was your boyfriend.”

“He was going to be, we were going to try, but I can’t deal with that, with you, with the sneering. I save my fight for meteor showers.” She looked to the prefect. “Anything else?”

“No, sweetheart. You go and settle with your sister and get some rest.”

The woman patted her hand, and Ondine headed for her armour. Once inside, she bowed to her team, the prefect and her bodyguards, and then she walked out the large doors that had been put in just for larger actives like herself.

* * * *

Geero got a call from his aunt, and he said, “Hey, how is it going?”

She got right to business. “Geero, are you seeing anyone socially?”

He paused. “Why?”

“Because if she wears a silvery suit, I think Torun and Remark have just convinced her to break it off. I was getting data for her registry, and she mentioned that you might be sharing genetic parentage of an infant soon. Her team members promptly mocked her, and I am guessing she has had a stressful day because she said she was going to give up on the possibility of social interaction with you.”


“Right. I wanted you aware so you could be braced for her decision.”

“Thanks, Auntie.”

“Amadine is the twins’ favourite author for baby books, so you might want to get things sorted.”

Geero got up and headed for his car. “I am on my way.”

He really wanted to claw up both of the defenders, but that would have to wait. He wanted to hold Ondine before she told him to fuck off.

She worked with men, and they were using the humour they would with another male. Not a young female. Her lack of intimate experience put her at a disadvantage when it came to fighting back verbally. From what he knew about her, she had wanted to smash them flat but had probably cried out of frustration instead. That was what Amadine did when she was frustrated, but he wasn’t sure if Ondine did the same.

* * * *

Ondine landed near the guesthouse and walked inside to her room. She curled up on her bed and pressed her face into the pillows.

Amadine rushed in. “Onny, what the hell is wrong?”

She looked up and sniffled. “They made fun of me for trying to start dating, so I am not going to start dating. I am just going to be alone with you and the baby.”

Amadine sat next to her and held her hand. “Did you call Geero already?”

She sniffled. “No.”

“Oh, thank goodness. Don’t. Just because some locker room idiots found out you were a girl instead of a guy doesn’t mean you have to walk back your interest in someone.”

“They laughed at it being Geero. I like Geero, but I couldn’t kill them. I was upset.”

Amadine squeezed her hand. “Geero is the best for you. I interviewed a lot of them. Even had to call Torun on a few that were outside the scope of the date.”

“Torun came to the house?”

“He did. He got them out for me.” Amadine squeezed her hand. “Geero was never like that. He was always like a big brother that just was there to entertain me for the evening. It was nice. Don’t ditch him just because your coworkers think he’s pretty.”
