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Ondine hiccupped. “He is very pretty, but he’s nice, too. He’s a good guy, not just a nice guy.” She swallowed. “The prefect seemed excited, too. I swear, I just wanted to fire a spike through Torun and Remark.”

Geero appeared in the doorway. “I am glad you didn’t. It would have been messy.”

Ondine was mortified. “I... you weren’t supposed to hear that.”

He came in and sat next to her on the bed. He pulled her onto his lap and loosely wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t worry about them. They will make hairball jokes, snowball jokes, jokes about me being pretty. I am very pretty.”

She chuckled and leaned her head on his shoulder. “The prefect called you?”

“She did. She said that Torun was being his normal challenging self, and Remark was along for the ride.”

“Oh. Right. He is a bit of a joiner.” She snorted. She inhaled, and he smelled really good.

Amadine smiled. “I am going to let you two hash this out.”

She left, and Ondine looked up at Geero. “You didn’t have to rush over here.”

“I didn’t want you to dump me before we got started. You smell amazing, by the way.”

“Oh. Right. Your aunt is fast.”

He chuckled. “She is. She doesn’t want to let any possible nieces get away.”

“I didn’t know you were related.”

“It is on Ricochet’s side. He’s a half-decent uncle. They made friendly kids.”

She breathed him in again and relaxed a few more notches.

“Not going to dump me?” he asked against the top of her head.

“No. Just don’t let go.” She leaned back and smiled.

He kissed her, and she still felt tears leaking from her eyes, but they weren’t sad. She just needed another way to express the extra emotion.

He kissed her and then held her close. “You really do smell amazing.”

“I am regrowing my scent glands and uterus and rebuilding my missing ovary.”

“Busy day.”

“Yeah. After the treatment, Torun came in and propositioned me because he didn’t know what I looked like. Remark rifled through my memories.”

“And he still made comments?”


“He’s gonna get a talking to.” He kissed her cheek.

“Great. I am on mat leave, but as soon as I see Torun, he is going to have to dodge spikes.”


“Yeah, they are made out of my body, and I fire them from my hands. Torun thinks he is impenetrable, but I am pretty sure I can make a spike sharp enough to get through his suit.” She chuckled. “I am up for the challenge. Oh, we found the mole in the office. It was our dispatcher. Apparently, they were trying to keep the baby hostage to get the Titan armour.”

“Well, it’s a piece of tech, right?”

“Uh, no. If I am not in it, it doesn’t move, and then, it’s just a chunk of titanium. Hence my call sign.”
