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“Yeah. Most folks don’t think a woman on a motorcycle is an active, so she could go just about anywhere. And she did.”

He looked past her. “And Geero’s here again?”

“Yes. He’s as unavoidable as Syrn is for you. Part of your group now.”

Alejandro smiled. “And Geero is part of you?”

“Shut up. I am getting used to it. Nothing has parted yet.”

He laughed. “May I bring Hera over here? She loves music and dancing.”

“Sure, but you might want to send her on her own or bring the babies while you watch. It is loud but controlled... usually.”

He looked past her. “It does look joyful. Should we just clear a better path between the properties?”

Ondine looked at the path in the woods. “I think that is something that Yalida would have to approve, but you are welcome to make a path from their place to mine on the other side of the house. We are all going to be neighbours. The prefect is pushing through the sale, so I am hoping to fix it up soon for Amadine, myself, and the baby. And Geero if he wants to move in,” she blurted out.

Alejandro laughed. “I think he heard you.”

She glanced behind her, and Geero was walking toward her. Sariah was behind him, grinning and waving.

Ondine looked at her and waved. Geero was next to her, and his arms wrapped around her a moment later. “Sariah is happy to be home for now, but she suggested I come to get you.”

Alejandro nodded. “Geero, I hear you may be moving into the neighbourhood.”

“That is the idea. Ondine and her sister have bought the property on the other side.”

“So she was saying. This will become quite the neighbourhood.” Alejandro smiled. “No lack of emergency babysitters.”

Ondine chuckled. “Yeah, Yalida’s teens can always use a bump to their allowances. Yes, you guys can come over and watch the stepping.”

“Expect us in less than four minutes.” He winked and then disappeared.

Ondine turned and wrapped her arms around Geero. “Can you explain this?”


“My annoying, sudden need to cuddle with you.”

“Hormones. Pheromones. Both of yours are working overtime right now. I amnotcomplaining.” He rubbed her back.

“So, you met Sariah?”

“Yes, she is perfectly pleasant. She has also promised to show the teens how it’s done.” Geero chuckled.

“Oh, we have to see that. Come on.”

He held her in place.

“Come on. We don’t want to miss it.”

He sighed and let her go. “Fine, but this had better be spectacular.”

Ondine smiled. “Come on.”

The beat was crisp, Sariah’s moves were seamless, and then she brought her activation into play. Light was under her control, and she stepped up columns of light then slid down a soft wave.

When she finished, there was raucous applause. Ondine grinned, and Sariah took a bow.
