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“Delivery. For the baby. They don’t need much more than food, diapers, and clothes on day one, but you do need them.”

Ondine blinked. “What about blankets?”

“No blankets for the first year unless you want to increase the likelihood of SIDS.” Ivetha smiled. “I used to babysit a lot when I was a teen. My activation isn’t physical, so it was easy to find families who wanted their kids relaxed.”

Sariah laughed. “Not overtly physical, but you can manifest it if you need to.”

Ivetha waved it away. “It is exhausting. I don’t even like to think about it.”

Ondine nodded. “I know exactly what you mean, but I am pretty sure that trading being a defender for a mom isn’t going to save me any energy.”

Ivetha smiled. “You will do fine. Now, what can we help you with?”

The beginning of business must have happened because Ondine’s com went off, and the closing on the house was confirmed. The property was hers. “Funny you should say that. Can you swing a hammer?”

Ivetha grinned. “I definitely can.”

Sariah nodded. “Me, too.”

Geero hugged her. “I am at your disposal.”

Yalida gave a thumbs-up.

Amadine rubbed her hands together. “The great reno is on.”

Chapter Thirteen

Ivetha designed a biologically triggered, passive security system while the others got together with patching the roof and expanding the home. Ondine was happy they would have the bones done before the kids got back from school so they could help after the plumbing and wiring were upgraded to something that wouldn’t hurt Amadine. Ondine wanted her to be happy at home.

Sariah was using her light to help level the house. She could cast a band of light in any space.

The morning fixed the structure, and then they stopped for lunch. Having Titan lifting the building and shoring up the foundation made things easier, and when the building was plumb, the work kicked into high gear.

Ondine pulled out what she called her party trip and made herself a smaller suit to work on the ceilings inside the house. She hummed and chortled until Geero came to get her for lunch. The structure was good. After lunch, they would make it pretty.

Ivetha had used some scrap lumber to put a table together for her and her tablet. It just happened to contain nine takeout boxes and a washing station.

Sariah laughed. “You are the best, Ivy.”

“I do try. I have most of the biosensors already programmed. You just need to put them around the house, and you are good.”

Geero blinked. “Seriously?”

“Yup. It will identify anyone approaching the home and display them on bioenergetic displays.”

Ondine asked, “How?”

“I have wired it to all available databases.”

Ondine chuckled. “That sounds about right.”

“I got authorization. Sort of.” She kept working.

“Where did the food come from?” Amadine asked.

“My drones. It’s nice to work in my industry. I have all the nice toys.” Ivetha kept working.

Sariah sighed and got some food for her. “Eat, Ivy.”
