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Amadine chuckled. “It was complicated, but I used her as character research for some of my adult-oriented books.”

Ivetha laughed. “I wasn’t there in a hands-on capacity. Just consulting.”

Ondine ran a hand over her face. “Good grief. Remind me not to read any of those books.”

Ivetha grinned wide. “I was just tech support since she can’t use tech. I explained how programs work and how someone would design one with notes and paperwork.”

Amadine grinned. “She wrote it all out for me, and that book was one of my best sellers. It also got me some of the crossover markets as guys were buying it to get the introduction to coding.”

Ivetha chuckled. “I think we are in danger of losing out on the cinnamon buns.”

Amadine looped arms with her and smiled. “Let’s rescue those cinnamon buns.”

They walked over to the long tables, and breakfast was had. It was a fun breakfast, and Sariah was grilling her sister. “What do you mean you joined the BDC?”

“What? You have been gone for months. I got bored. Don’t worry. I am participating in a therapeutic capacity. No fun stuff.” She smirked. “Well, not much.”

Ondine grunted. “Don’t tell me that Torun got to you.”

“No, just my patron. It wasn’t anything creepy. He was very sweet, and then we got into a pattern.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, a few months ago, he said he had to stay home and take care of personal matters. No more sessions, and not many patrons are interested in what I offer, so that was that.” She smiled. “I always thought he had gotten married.”

Sariah smiled. “Speaking of married, what would you think if I tied the knot?”

Ivetha looked at her. “Would I be invited to the ceremony?”

“No, and yes. It’s complicated.”

Ondine watched as Ivetha blinked. “You are married.”

“Technically. Not consummated yet. I wanted to talk to you first. I want you there.”

Ivetha blinked. “When you consummate? No, thank you.”

“No, when I have the ceremony. Moron.”

Ivetha grinned. “Yup. All our lives. You gonna invite Aunt Bex?”

“Of course. She already knows. I told her when I got in. You were at work, or we would have all gone out for lunch together.”

Ivetha nodded. “Well, congratulations. When do I get to meet him?”

“Soon. I just have to get us all together and summon him. Easy peasy.”

Ondine blinked. “Summon him? Like a magical creature?”

Sariah blushed. “You could say that. I got married to fend off a technicality. Their island does not particularly like female travellers or any travellers for that matter. It was a protective offer to marry me so I could get out of there on the next ferry.”

Ivetha laughed. “I think that was bullshit because he just wanted to keep you.”

Ondine watched the sisters bicker while one got coffee and the other got the cinnamon buns. Despite the battling wits, they took care of each other. They sat close to each other while others tried to distract them. By the time Clavia took the teens to school, Amadine had joined their conversation.

Ivetha entered things into her com unit and nodded. “First drop will be in an hour.”

Ondine looked over. “Drop?”
