Page 26 of Mine

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They exited the city and crossed the ravine that spanned one side, and once they were well beyond the bridge and near a river, they were let out. A few guards snarled to group up. Luke knew that the nearest bridge for this river was way down and closer to the southwest side.

The river was so lazy and slow, a five-year-old could probably make it across with little issue. It was rather low since they're hadn't been much rain lately. A couple of guards undid the leads and the cuffs, flung the items in the back of the cage cart, and hopped in. The driver started to make a wide arc to return.

With no cuffs, no leash, and the sun on him, Luke was almost able to fool himself into thinking he was free for a second or two. Being naked rather ruined it since he’d never wandered outside in the nude before. That would have earned him a day or two in a cell for being indecent in public.

A guard cracked his whip and yelled at them to get moving. The bread-thief’s eyes kept darting around like he was thinking about something he shouldn’t, but they were surrounded on all sides. Luke tried to count the guards as they walked toward the river. They had four seniors, and the rest were regular.

One runner against twenty on horseback didn’t seem like a good idea. That wasn’t counting the two guards apiece who sat on the carts.

The first riders, which included Jagger, went ahead, and the horse's hooves splashed as they trotted into the water. Luke was one of the first prisoners to step in, and the cold water was rather nice, although he had to be careful on the stones. The guy with a beard took the chance to crouch and splash his face. Nobody seemed to mind, so the others did too. Luke waited until he was thigh-high to kneel and dunk his whole head. That would have to count as a bath for a bit.

The bank leading out was steeper. Luke paused to glance back at the city which he would see for a long time. In the water, the cart drivers were keeping the horses calm as they pulled their loads across.

“Move it!”

Leather licked across Luke’s back, and the sting certainly convinced him to move.

“Jagger marked you up good,” said the guard who had lashed him. “Apparently, he didn’t teach you to keep your ass moving.”

Luke ducked his head and told himself to stay quiet. The whip cracked as someone else was told to hurry it up.

The prisoner said something back in a snarky tone, and he received another lash that left a nasty cut across his shoulders that time. Luke reminded himself of what could happen, and he was grateful Jagger had beaten some obedience into him. The healing marks still hurt and were a constant reminder.

The group stopped after a good half-mile, and one of the carts entered the ragged circle of guards. Jagger had mentioned they’d get clothes and shoes, although he hadn’t said when. They were past the river and pretty dry now, so it was a good time. A few guards passed out the items.

Luke received a pair of boots that were old, ragged, and a tad too big, but they’d do. A guard asked if anybody needed cloth to stuff their toes, and a couple of hands went up plus Luke’s. They were given rags to do the job with, and once Luke laced up his boots, he was satisfied. Instead of proper trousers, their bottoms were like sleep pants and made from thick, coarse brown fabric. Luke did the ties and figured belts and drawers were a luxury now.

A couple of the men tied the sleeves of their shirts, which were pretty much the same as the pants, around their waists. A bright white x had been painted across the backs of each one.

Some of the guards seemed a bit distracted, and whether Bread had been planning it or had a sudden thought, Luke didn’t know. Bread took off between a gap in two of the men and started hauling ass toward the river. Several guards shouted and chased after him.

“Fucking idiot,” said the bearded guy. “Nobody can outrun a horse. It’s common sense.”

Luke tied his sleeves around his waist and couldn’t help but wince as the chasing guards drew closer to Bread. He glanced toward Jagger who was at the front, but of course, he wasn’t going to do anything.

One of the guards lashed his whip. It must have been a cutting stroke, and Bread stumbled. Two other guards jumped off of their horses and were on him in a second. Luke winced again at his scream. For a moment, their bodies were a tangle of limbs and fists.

Bread lost.

He was dragged back with a bloody nose and a split lip. Two guards approached, and Bread's shirt was ripped off. Two men held him down on the ground so pegs could be driven into the dirt. They tied his wrists to them and ignored his pleas about how he only stole a loaf of bread and didn't belong there.

The senior guard who did the whipping wasn’t moved by Bread's screams or thrashing. The braided leather left bloody line after bloody line on his back, and a guard shouted that everyone better watch and learn their lesson.

Blood ran down the unfortunate victim’s back, and he stopped screaming by the twenty-fifth. For a moment, Luke almost thought he was dead, but he shrieked when they untied him and hauled him up. Bread looked half-wild with agony for a moment before he passed out and went completely limp. Two guards dragged him to one of the carts.

Jagger moved closer to the prisoners on his black courser. “Let that be a lesson if any are thinking about making a break for it. We might not have any winged guards in our group, but our horses can outrun any of you. We will catch you, and the law states no mercy is shown to a runaway. Twenty-five cuts, and the prisoner can recover in a cart for a few days. I can guarantee he’ll be in agony the whole time, and a jiggly cart isn’t fun to lay in when your back is cut up.”

Several of the prisoners kept their eyes down, and Luke tried to scrub the image from his brain, but it wasn’t working too well.

One of the other senior guards said they needed to get moving. Waterskins were passed out, and the group started off again.

Luke fiddled with the short strap on his waterskin as he trudged along like everyone else on foot.

He just had to get through the trip, endure five years in the mines, and stay out of trouble. It was a long time, but at least he had someone.
