Page 19 of Very Bad Things

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“Care to share?”

“What?” My face grows red as I feel the heat burning me up.

“Seems like you got lost in your thoughts for a moment.” I shake my head and he crosses his arms over his chest. “And what do I get out of it?”

“Excuse me?”

“Reciprocity. You do for me; I do for you.”

“You get to be a good parent and show some support for your daughter’s school.” His smile fades and I can see anger slowly taking over. I fully expect him to launch into another lecture about not telling him how to parent. “What?” I cock my head a little to the side, narrowing my gaze at him. “Don’t like when I’m beingpissy?”

He looks confused and I can’t tell if he actually is or he’s playing stupid. Either way, I’m standing my ground and I’m walking out of this office with my demands met before he can intimidate me into apologizing.

“Have your admin email me over which house or yacht and what weekend works for you. I’ll send her over the schedule for the bake sale.” I turn around and start walking toward the door just as he pushes himself off the desk. “Oh and Mr. Vaughn,” I say as I reach for the door and open it, turning back to look at him. “I already did for you when you showed up unannounced at my apartment. Now you do for me since you owe me one.” I flash him my sweetest smile and a little wave. “See you at the bake sale.”

My legs are trembling when I close the door behind me. I let out a shaky breath before I book it to the elevator.



“Where am I supposed to be?” I don’t even attempt to hide my annoyance that I’m in a packed room full of strangers. I’ve done very well at avoiding situations like this for the last several years. Mirabelle always insisted that as a billionaire and philanthropist, my face needed to be seen, but I prefer the exact opposite. I’d rather write a check and keep to myself and my business. I’m not exactly the kiss ass and rub elbows kind of guy.

“In the main booth, over here.” Daphne ushers me to a booth in the back corner, her hips swiveling in a tempting little manner as I walk behind her.

“And what am I doing?”

“Did you not read the email I sent over?” She looks genuinely upset like this is a life-or-death situation.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Figures,” she mutters, rolling her eyes. “This is the main booth where everyone is dropping off their baked goods. You register them and then place them on the tables.”

“Is someone going to be helping me or am I just expected to figure this all out?” She’s getting more irritated by the second, which amuses me.

“You’re a billionaire business owner, Mr. Vaughn. I’m sure you can navigate a bake sale.” I stare at her, waiting for a real answer. “Yes, Matilda Bernard is supposed to be here already.” She glances around the sea of people. “Let me find her and send her back to you.”

“Mr. Vaughn, such a pleasure.” I turn around to see Mr. Fein scurrying toward me, a huge grin on his cherubic face. This guy is nice but damn, is he annoying.

“Rick, good to see you.”

“I can’t thank you enough for your generous offer to auction off a long weekend on your private yacht. It’s going to be such a treat for whoever wins that bid.”

“It’s the least I could do.” I look up to see Daphne hurrying back over to me.

“Mr. Fein, we have an issue. Matilda Bernard apparently came down with the flu so we don’t have anyone to run the main booth with Mr. Vaughn.”

“Oh dear.” He clutches his chest and looks over at me, then back at Daphne as if someone is about to die. “Well, why don’t you do it?”

“Oh no,” she says emphatically. “I’m supposed to be handling the bids for the silent auction.”

“Nonsense. I’ll handle that. You stay back here with Mr. Vaughn.” He waves at someone in the crowd. “Excuse me,” he says before walking away.

“Guess it’s just me and you, kid.” She looks over her shoulder at me with a scowl. “Relax, I promise not to irk you too much.” I wink at her, knowing it’ll probably annoy her all the more.

“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend to be nice just to annoy me.”

We spend the next half hour logging and organizing the baked goods. I write down who brought in what and she places them on the table with a little price sign.
