Page 41 of Very Bad Things

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Something I’ve never told a therapist or anyone is that a big part of my anger and frustration is directed toward Mirabelle for leaving Daisy and me behind. It’s irrational and completely baseless, but it’s the only way I can cope sometimes.

* * *

“Found another one!”Daisy exclaims as she reaches into the sand and holds up a seashell. She runs over to Daphne who holds out her hands.

“That one is so cool!” She holds it up so they can both admire it before putting it into the bucket they’ve been collecting them in.

We’ve spent the entire morning and better part of the afternoon on the beach. Paddleboarding, swimming, collecting shells, and building sandcastles. I try to keep my attention on the paragraph I’ve been reading for the last fifteen minutes, but my eyes are drawn to the two of them. That same feeling I had last night pulls at my heart. Seeing Daisy so happy, seeing how she and Daphne interact, feels so natural, like we could be a happy family.

Family? That’s an F-word I didn’t think I’d ever say again.

My mother’s warning about Daphne having her entire life ahead of her rings in my ears, Daphne’s comment on its tail.

Only seventeen years.

Seventeen years isn’t anonlykind of number—it’s a lifetime. Mira struggled with being in a relationship with me because I was too consumed with work and not there for her emotionally, something I didn’t even realize was happening until it was too late. People think the glamour of being married to a billionaire with a lavish lifestyle equates to happiness, but I’ll never forget her words.

I feel like I’m living in the Taj Mahal, my own beautiful, curated tomb that is cold and empty.

Those words haunt me. How could I not make that same mistake with Daphne all over again? I had my chance.

“Daddy, Daddy, look.”

“That’s a jellyfish, Daisy, that’s dangerous!” Daphne grabs her around the waist and hoists her out of the ankle-deep water and back onto the sand as I rush over.

“Yes, sweetheart, Miss Flowers is right. Those are extremely dangerous. If you see one, let us know but run away.”

“Okay. I’m hungry,” she says, crawling up onto the beach bed as my mother approaches us from the resort.

“Are you guys having fun?”

“Yes, but Daisy is hungry so I think we will head back so she can get ready for dinner.”

“Your father and I are eating here with the Tallmans again. Why don’t we take her with us?”

I look over at Daisy who agrees.

“Oh, I packed her an extra set of clothes in her bag so she’s set,” Daphne adds.

“Come on, Daisy Mae,” my mother says, holding out her hand. Daisy grabs her tote that’s almost as big as she is and waddles up to my mom, leaving Daphne and me alone on the beach.

I lean back in the bed as she stands there awkwardly, wriggling her toes in the sand. “So, a little early for dinner for us, I suppose?”

“You’re welcome to join them if you want.”

“No, I’m not hungry yet. Are you?” She crosses her arms, then uncrosses them again.Definitely nervous.

“Not for food,” I say matter-of-factly as I let my eyes take her in. “Why don’t you join me?” I pat the spot next to me on the bed. “You deserve to relax.”

She hesitates, then sits on the bed, placing her feet on it and hugging her knees to her chest.

“Did you have a nice day?” I ask as I reach out and brush the sand from the bottom of her legs and tops of her feet.

“I did, did you?”

“Yes.” I sit up, turning to face her as I tug softly at her arms, releasing her legs from them.

“What are you doing?” She looks confused as I stretch out one of her legs, placing her foot in my lap and begin to massage it.
