Page 75 of Very Bad Things

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“I am. Can I ask, what were you told by the administration as to why I left?”

“Nothing really.” He shrugs. “There was a rumor that you just quit, but Mr. Fein said that you no longer worked here and that there wouldn’t be any further explanation. Now he’s up and gone.”

“Crazy, right?” I don’t feel like explaining everything right now. Who knows, maybe I never will. “Well, I’m not gone as you can see. I took some time off but I’m back and here to stay.”

“Well, good, we missed you.” He turns to walk out, but then pauses and turns back around. “Hey, random question, but do you like bubble baths with the rose petals and champagne and all that?”

“Um…” I’m a little shocked at the forward question.

“Oh, shit. Sorry. Not likeyoubut like women you. Do women like that kind of stuff? I, uh, I want to surprise this new woman I’m seeing and I thought doing something like that would be super romantic but she’s super successful and a little older than me so wasn’t sure if that was lame.”

“Ooohhh.” I smile, realizing that things with him and Natalie must still be going on. “Yeah, totally. I don’t think you can ever go wrong with a romantic gesture like that. I think any woman, especially one who is successful, will enjoy a night where she can be pampered.”

“Cool.” He nods his head. “Anyway. Thanks, Daph. See you around.”

By the time my day has ended, I’m exhausted. The emotions were high at school. My students were so excited to see me and have me back that it overwhelmed me and made me cry.

“Hi, Grandma!” Daisy runs to Regina from where she’s sitting with me while I organize my desk.

“Hi, sweetheart, you ready?” Daisy runs back to her desk to pack up her backpack while Regina walks up to me.

"How are you doing, dear?” She looks at me with a heartfelt warmth in her eyes.

“I’m okay. I’m happy to be back.”

“I bet. I know Daisy is happy as well. It’s all she’s been talking about. Listen”—she grabs for my hand and squeezes it—“I know he’s my son so this is biased, but Weston is a good man; he’s loyal and he loves you. I see the way he looks at you. I noticed it from the first time I saw you two together. I actually warned him against breaking your heart because I was worried he wouldn’t see what was right in front of him but I’m glad.” She chokes back a tear. “I’m glad he realizes it.”

I’m not sure what to say back to her. I don’t know where this is coming from. My guess is he must have told her that he loves me and that I’ve moved in with him.

“I appreciate that. I really love your son too and your granddaughter, more than I can express. You raised a really amazing man.”

She fans her face, squeezing my hand one more time before turning toward Daisy. “Okay, little one, let’s get going. Tell Miss Flowers bye.”

I wave at Daisy as she slides her backpack on and grabs her grandma’s hand. She waves at me with a big smile. “Bye, Mom. I love you.”

My heart feels like it’s going to burst.

* * *

“Hey, Nick, how are you?”

“Evening, Miss Flowers, I’m doing okay. How are you?”

I make small talk with him on the ride back home. It feels strange to be driving up to Weston’s penthouse and calling it home, but I guess it is now. I wish Nick a good night and make my way to the elevator. When the doors open, the entryway is flooded with candlelight. Rose petals are scattered across the floor as the sound of soft jazz and the smell of something savory fills the house.

“Hello?” I ask as my heels click across the marble floor.

“Good evening, Miss Flowers.”

I spin around to see Weston leaning against the doorway going into the kitchen. His shirt is partially undone, his sleeves rolled up. He has a hand towel over his shoulder.

“What’s all this?” I walk over to him, standing on my tippy-toes to kiss him. He pulls me in against him, spinning me around to press me against the doorframe with his body as he takes control of the kiss.

“This is because I love you and you deserve a night of romance after everything.”

“I like the sound of that.” I look past him to see two plates, wine, and candles on the kitchen table. “Did you cook?”

“I did.”
