Page 27 of Judge and Jury

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“I’ll get Keeley to teach us.”

“You want me to have cooking lessons? Why? And who is Keeley?” I couldn't help it - jealousy made my voice bitter again. Was she another woman he’d had a relationship with? Another one who would make me feel like a toothless moron?

“Yes, she used to run a diner in the States.” Meeting my eyes, he grinned. My jealousy was clearly showing in my face and it amused him. “Then she ran away and became a stripper, but boy can the girl cook.”

Pursing my lips, I turned my face away. “A stripping chef, huh? She sounds perfect.”

“She is perfect.”

His words made my head snap around to glare at him.

“For Gio.” His voice shook with laughter. “She’s his wife.”

I blew out a breath.

“I like this jealousy, Taylor.” Running his hand down my throat, he slid his fingers under my hair. “It’s sweet, but make sure it doesn’t get out of hand.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He chuckled. Using his hand, he drew me up and to him. His body shifted to meet mine.

“Don’t you? Because I think you do.”

I closed my eyes. He was so close, and he smelt so good. Good enough to kiss, good enough to eat. I wanted him to kiss me. And do more, much, much more. He wasn’t the only one who couldn’t get our night together out of his mind.

“If I am with you, then I am only with you, Taylor. But I expect the same.” Something soft and salty was placed against my lips, and my eyes flew open. “I do not want to share you, Taylor. I am not wired that way. Now eat.” The olive in his fingers found its way between my lips and I chewed in silence for a few seconds. It was delicious.

“So there is no need for you to be jealous.”

“I didn’t mean to be–“

“I know, and I honestly think it’s sweet that you are. It gives me hope.”

“Hope for what?” Maybe I was being naïve, but to me, he was speaking in riddles. I knew he fancied me, he wanted me to spend time with him. He had even mentioned in passing that he wanted me to love him. I hadn’t taken that seriously, but now I wasn’t so sure.

“You know what.” Another olive appeared between his thumb and finger and disappeared between my lips. “I want you to be mine.”

My eyes must have widened into saucers because he sat back with a dark laugh. “Not just for a few days. This time together is just to see if we are as compatible as I think we are and for you to realise it.”

“You want me to be your girlfriend?” It seemed such an odd concept. Did men like him have girlfriends?

“Not quite.” The platter of food between us forgotten, he began to swipe his thumb back and forth over my mouth.

My stomach flip-flopped. “You want me to be your mistress?”

With a groan, he let his hand drop. “No Taylor. Not that. Eat, now.”

“Are you always this bossy?”

“Yes.” Laughing, he settled himself back.

“Why won’t you answer my questions?”

He became still. The air from the ocean lifted this dark hair, but it was the only part of him that moved.

“Do you play chess, Taylor?”

Confused, I nodded. “Not for a while but yeah, I can play. What has that got to do with anything?”
