Page 39 of Judge and Jury

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“Blooming,” I amended quickly. “You’re glowing, Keeley. Pregnancy suits you.”

Stepping back, her hands drifting to the small of her back, she gave me the once over. “Nice save, but I’m the size of a whale, and the glow you talk about is sweat, nothing more. Now fill me in on everything that you have been up to since we last spoke.” Reaching for Gio’s arm, she let him help her back into her seat.

Confused, I looked at him. I didn't know how much he had told her about what I had been doing the last few days and weeks. And I didn’t want to say something that would distress her.

“So it is something dumb, then?” She closed her eyes and fanned herself. “God, it's hot in here, isn't it?”

“You should have stayed at home, my love, with your feet up.” Like an overbearing mother goose, Gio flapped around her and it was comical to see. He was a crime boss, head of a notorious crime family and feared all around the world, and yet here he was making sure his woman was ok. Making sure she knew she was the centre of his entire universe.

Pain rippled through my chest.

“Well, when you said you were going to meet The Judge, I had to come along didn't I? I wanted to meet the woman who finally snared his ice-cold heart.” Her blue eyes met mine. She cocked her head to the side. “Where is she?”

I took the nearest seat heavily, not meeting her eyes. I let my head fall into my hands, shaking it so my hair fell over my face.

“Judge?” Gio’s voice broke through my misery and scattered it.

Slowly, because it felt like my head weighed a tonne, I lifted it.

“I don't know where she is. On her way home would be my guess.”

Their pointed exchanged look wasn't lost on me.

“I let her go.”

Leaning forward, Gio held up his hand to silence his wife who clearly had a lot to say about my sudden admission. “What do you mean, you let her go?” His voice had dipped. There was a dangerous note to it now. “Why? A few days ago, you were planning on marrying her. You set up a date and everything. Was a few days all you needed to get her out of your system?”

I glared at him. If only he knew the truth. This wasn't about growing bored or losing interest. This was me doing what was best for someone else, no matter the cost to myself. No matter how much it felt like I couldn't breathe any time I thought I would never see her again.

“You do realise that if she talks–” Gio fell silent when Keeley slapped at his arm. His eyes never left my face and a smile kept tugging at the corner of her mouth. The kind of smile I couldn't decipher.

“She’s not going to talk, Gio. I know her. I–”

“So what happened? What went wrong?”

“He fell in love with her.” Keeley’s grin finally blossomed, and it lit up her entire face.

Whipping my head around, I stared at her. “I didn't fall in love with her. I let her go because she deserves more.” Tugging at my hair, I shook my head again. Keeley being here was making me all confused. The plan was to ask Gio to give me a job as far away from this country as possible. I knew I couldn't be trusted to stay breathing the same air as Taylor. I wouldn't be able to help myself. I would watch her, reach out to her. Do something foolish to draw her back in. And I couldn't do that to her again.

“Taylor deserves to go out and live her life as far away from me as humanly possible. She deserves to find someone who will love and treat her right. That's why I let her go. I only popped by to see if there are any jobs going and to ask you one small favour.” And the sooner I asked for it, the sooner I could get on my way.

Away from this country and all the memories of a woman who would never be mine.

“What is the favour?”

Pausing for a second, I sighed. “I want to make sure Taylor is set up and she won't take cash. Can you make something happen to make sure she is?”

Gio’s eyebrows disappeared into his hair. “Like?”

Shrugging, I stood. Pushing my shoulders back until they cracked. I had driven back from the dock at breakneck speed with no sleep, and it was starting to catch up with me. I was emotionally wrung out. And I needed to go somewhere dark and quiet for a while. I needed the peace.

Either that or I needed violence.

But until Gio gave me some instructions, I would take the peace and quiet. He wouldn't talk business in front of Keeley. He kept her as far away from our life as he could. Something I should have done with Taylor.

Drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair, Gio again shared a look with his wife who was shaking her head.

“What?” Their silent communication was beginning to annoy me. If they had something to say, then I wanted them to just come right out and say it.
