Page 40 of Judge and Jury

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“Just go and see the girl.”

Open-mouthed, I stared at him. “Weren't you listening? I let her go because–”

“Because you fucking love her, you stupid dork.” Keeley’s temper finally snapped. Back when I had first met her, years and years ago, she had been as timid as a mouse, but she wasn't anymore.

“I’m not capable…” I hesitated, suddenly unsure of myself.

“You did what you thought was best for her. You let her go,” Keeley continued, and the look on her face told me she was enjoying my sudden discomfort. “That's what you do when you are in love.”

“I love her.” Heavily I sat down, almost missing the chair all together. “I love her.”

Laughing, Keeley shook her head. “Look at our little Judge, all grown up.” She joked. “Now the question is, what are you going to do to get her back?”

Get her back? I stared ahead, completely sightless. How had I been so blind to see what had been right in front of my face this entire time? I was in love with Taylor Lawson. I’d probably been in love with her before I had even spoken to her. And like a fool, I had left her.

“Shit.” Wildly I looked around. I hadn't just left her, I hadn't even said goodbye. “Shit, Keeley, I don't think I can.”

“You could always kidnap her again.” Gio chuckled.

“Not helpful, my love,” Keeley admonished with pursed lips.

“It could work, it could.”

“Boys.” With a groan, Keeley pushed herself to her feet. “You just leave it to me.”


Getting back to normal was easier than I expected it to be. I excused myself from the trial, and flatly refused to speak about it before going back to work.

I threw myself into my job. I worked so much and took on so many extra shifts that I knew my boss was worried about me. But she didn't ask what was wrong, and I didn’t tell her.

I didn't tell anyone.

What had happened between me and The Judge was private, and it would remain private. I wouldn’t tell anyone where I had been the last few days. I would act like it had never happened.

Pulling my iced coffee towards me, I stared into it, seeing nothing and feeling even less. Is this what it felt like to be dead? This absolute lack of any kind of emotion. I didn't like it, but I couldn't shake it either.

I was existing instead of living. Was the Judge? Was he out there somewhere, wishing things were different? Or did he think he'd had a lucky escape? There was so much I wanted to ask him. Why was the most important question I could think of. Why had he singled me out, plucked me from my comfortable little life and thrust me head first into his, only to drop me again a few days later and expect me to be able to go on like nothing had ever happened?

I couldn't do that.

“Miss Lawson?”

I didn't immediately react to my name being called.


My head slowly tilted backwards, and even through my dark shades I had to squint up at the man who was standing towering over me. At first, I had no idea who he was and then it hit me.

One of the yacht stewards. The one who had handed me that scrap of paper as I disembarked which had made me believe he was a lot more than simply a crew member.

Open-mouthed, I stared at him as he took a seat. The chair scraped back. I hadn’t asked him to join me, but he had done so anyway.

Raising an eyebrow, I studied him. “Take a seat, why don’t you?” The sarcasm dripped from my voice, but it didn’t seem to bother him. His handsome face broke into a wide smile. A smile that I didn’t return.

“I expected you to call me.”

He continued to smile at me, and I continued to stare at him.
