Page 42 of Judge and Jury

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The name rang a bell. I was sure Judge had mentioned Keeley. She was the wife of–

“You’re Gio’s wife.”

She nodded. “And The Judge's friend.”

It felt like an elastic band snapped in my chest. Turning my head away, I made a mental count to ten in my head. “Is he ok?” I finally managed.

She smiled. “No, not really.”

Her words caused my head to snap back in her direction. Catching my look, she reached out and took my hand.

“He’s a mess.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. So I remained silent.

“But that’s not surprising, really. He’s never had to deal with this situation before.”

“Situation? I'm in a situation?” I started to pull my hands back, but she tightened her grip.

“Of course you are. He’s never been in love before. He’s never planned to marry someone and–”

“Excuse me, what did you say?”

“Which part has made the blood drain from your face? He’s in love with you.” She laughed. “I mean, he has all these notions that a man like him can’t love, but I’ve known him for years and let me tell you that man is head over heels for you.”

“Then why did he leave?” I swallowed hard.

“Because he’s a fool. And he’s scared.” She laughed. “Did I mention he’s a fool?”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed along with her.

“He’s crazy about you, Taylor.”

My laughter died.

“You were meant to be married tomorrow.”

I choked on my own saliva. “I–what?”

“Married. That was his plan, anyway. I think that’s where he is now, actually.” She trailed off.

“He expects me to turn up and just marry him?” I squeaked. “I don’t have a dress or–”

Keeley's eyes met mine. “Don’t you? I see you didn’t mention that you don’t love him.”

I didn’t know what to say to that.

“I expected a better excuse than you not having a dress.” She laughed. “Do you really think a man like The Judge hasn’t got everything arranged? Even down to your dream dress.”

“My dream dress?”

The men, the ones who had come into the shop. The ones who had been shopping for their friend's bride to be. The ones who had bought the dress I had always wanted just because they saw how happy I was wearing it. It all made sense now.

“You should go and see him.”

“I can’t marry him. That’s just crazy.” I snapped.

She ignored me totally. “No one is saying marry him. But you should go to him, anyway. Talk, and I mean really talk. You can’t tell me you don’t want to see him because I can see clearly that you do.”

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