Page 41 of Judge and Jury

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“Did you lose what I gave you?”

Shaking my head to break the spell, I reached for my bag. Rummaging through it, I found what I was looking for and passed it across the table to him. It remained there untouched. He didn’t even look at it.

“If he is threatening you–”

I cut him off. “No one is threatening me,Kev.” I purposefully used the name he’d used on the boat and not the one on the piece of paper. I sure as hell wasn’t going to use his rank.

“Come on now, Taylor–” Reaching across the table, he tried to pat my hand. I moved mine before he could touch me. Letting them fall into my lap, I clasped them together.

“We can protect you. I can put you in protective custody.”

“I’m sorry, but I think you have your wires crossed.” Stoking the small amount of courage I possessed, I straightened my shoulders. “I was there as Christian’s guest. Nothing more and nothing less.”

“Are you telling me–” he paused, “that you willingly went on board?” Not waiting for me to answer, he began to laugh. “I watched him carry your unconscious body from the car. A car that a known killer and mobster was driving.”

It was my turn to laugh. A mirthless high pitched sound. “What you saw was a woman who couldn’t handle her drink, that's all. Now if you will excuse me, I would like to finish my coffee in peace.” I dismissed him.

The old me would never have talked to a police officer like that, but the few days I had spent with The Judge had changed me. I wasn’t sure exactly what I was changing into yet, but it definitely wasn’t the old me.

“You could help us–”

Sighing loudly, I leant forward, my elbows on the table. “I don’t know anything and even if I did–”

“Protecting a known killer, Taylor, is that really who you have become? Were you that easy to buy? I’m surprised.”

Eyes flashing, I was about to stand up and leave when his words sunk in. “I don’t know where you have got your information, officer.” I nodded my head in a mock show of respect because I didn’t respect this man. “But I have never been for sale.”

He pushed himself back in his chair. “You don’t know yet, do you? He hasn’t told you.”

Blinking in shock, I frowned. “Told me what?”

“Taylor, there you are.” A woman’s voice called out, and I turned in shock as a heavily pregnant blonde came barrelling towards me. She was wearing a simple dress, and her face was sweet and more than a little sweaty. “I’m sorry I am late.”

“I–ok.” Puzzled, I glanced around me. Who was this woman? Because I didn’t have a clue. “Hello.”

She gave me a beaming smile, but it faded as she turned her blue eyes on my uninvited guest. “You, I don't know.” The friendly smile was gone. She was still pretty without it but it made her face colder.

“I know who you are, Keeley.” He nodded his head in greeting. “I am surprised your keeper let you out of his sight?”

She raised her eyebrow at his disdainful tone. “Oh, I don’t have a keeper. I do, however, have a husband. I am sure you know of him.”

“Yes.” One word answer but it spoke volumes. “I know all about him.”

“I thought you might.” She reached out a small hand. “And who are you? As you know mine and my husband's name, it seems rude we don’t know you.”

“I think I shall leave you ladies to it.” He stood so suddenly that the man sitting behind him jumped. “Taylor, please remember what I have said. We can help you.”

I didn’t answer him. There was nothing he could help me with. I didn’t know anything about what Judge had done or been involved in. There was nothing I could help them with.

“Police?” The woman who Kev had called Keeley asked me.

I nodded.

“I see. You told him you wouldn’t talk?”

Raising my head, I stared at her. “I don’t know anything, so there’s nothing I can talk about. I’m sorry, but I’m not sure who you are. Or why you’re sitting opposite me?” I didn’t mean to be rude, but I had wanted to be alone. I had come to enjoy my own company recently.

“Keeley.” She repeated the name the officer had used.
