Page 45 of Judge and Jury

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I smiled, because, hell, she was there in front of me. I didn't know how she had found out to find me, but I had a pretty good guess. Keeley had gone and spoken to her, and Taylor had come.

“I…um…” She was stuttering, and it was adorable. “Are you busy? I thought we could talk and–” She blew a raspberry, clearly at a loss for what to say, which just made her even sweeter.

“If you’re busy, I can come back or leave you alone or–”

“I'm not busy. I had something planned for today.” The corners of my mouth twitched upwards in a smile. “But I don't think it's going ahead now. I'm kind of missing a really important part although–”

Guilt darkened her eyes. Guilt and sadness. So she had definitely been told what I was doing there today. It made me wonder what else Keeley had told her.

“Judge.” Shaking her head, she placed one of her small hands on my chest. No doubt she had meant to hit shirt material, but somehow landed on my bare skin. A million volts of electricity went through me. She felt it as well. Taylor’s eyes widened, and she jerked her hand away like my skin had burnt her.

Catching her by the wrist, I pressed her fingers against my skin.

“Don't.” She turned her face away. “Please, Judge, don't make this harder than it is.”

“Why is it hard for you, Taylor? Why are you even here?”

“I don't know,” she admitted.

“You don't know?” Raising an eyebrow, I studied her. She looked just as gorgeous as she had the first time I had seen her. Perfect in every way. For me, at least. And I wanted her. “Shouldn’t you have figured that out before you knocked on my door?” Laughing, I reached and pushed a stray blonde hair behind her ear.

“Probably.” She leant into my hand for just a second, her eyes fluttering closed. “I just knew I had to come. I wanted to see you one last time. To say goodbye.”

Her words cut into me like a knife carving out my heart. “One last time and a final goodbye, huh? You travelled all this way to say goodbye?” Swinging open the door fully, I stepped to the side with a flourish. “Did you and your friend come together?”

“Friend–I…?” Her eyes widened as they swept around the room. “Kev?” Shock made her voice higher than usual.

The knife she had plunged into my heart twisted and tore it out. She knew him.

“What are you doing here?” Standing in the doorway, she twisted her hands together.

“So you do know each other then?” Moving away from her, I had to turn my back on them both. Just so I had a few moments to compose myself. I knew from past experience that there would be murder shining out of my eyes if she looked into them now.

I wanted to hurt them. Both of them. Even Taylor. I wanted to give her a tiny piece of the pain she was causing me.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I told you, Judge, I told you that she–”

“That I what?” Taylor’s voice was shrill. “What’s going on here? Were you testing me?”

It took me several seconds before I realised she was talking to me. Whirling, I rounded on her. “Testing you?”

“Yes, are you working together? I swear to the almighty Judge if this is another one of your games and I’ve come all this way for nothing, then I will–”

My hand shot up, silencing her. “Are you telling me you don’t know why he is here?”

“I have no clue. I barely know him.”

“You know he’s a police officer? Did he tell you that much before you let him into your bed? Or didn’t that come up until you got to the pillow talk?”

A million emotions flowed across her face. “He–yes,” she blew out a breath. “He gave me a note telling me who he was, and what do you mean into my bed?” She glared between the two of us. “I am not sleeping with anyone, least of all him.”

“Of course she’s going to say that. We had breakfast together just yesterday. There’s witnesses. Your boss's wife is one.” He grinned, and it was a winning smile. One that I wanted to wipe straight off of his face.

“That’s not…” she faltered.

“You can phone her and ask if you like.” The man called Kev said with a shrug.
