Page 46 of Judge and Jury

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“Taylor?” I didn’t know who to believe. And that was a new one for me. Usually, I knew instinctively who was lying to me.

“Yes, she saw us together. But he just turned up, it’s not like I met him deliberately.” Her spine snapped straight. “Why are you telling these lies? Why are you doing this to me? I told you I don’t know anything, and even if I did–” she shook her head. Turning back to me, she reached out a hand. A hand I dodged easily. If she touched me, I wouldn’t be able to think straight.

“What?” Her hand hovered in the air between us, but she didn’t look at me. Her eyes travelled past me to the bed. “How did you get this?” Darting so fast she almost tripped over her own feet, she lunged towards the fallen chest piece. The one the undercover police officer had passed me, the same one that had been inside her body.

Standing back, I watched as she straightened. “How did this end up here? How?”

“He took it from your room. After one of your many nights of passion, apparently.” It was all starting to make sense now. One of them was definitely lying to me, and I was pretty sure I knew which one now. “You were telling me how sweet she tastes, right?” Reaching out, I let my fingers brush against her hip. “How you enjoyed sucking it into your mouth.”

I was goading him now, and I didn’t care. Usually I didn’t play with my prey, but this Kev had come into my room, sprouting lies about the woman I was in love with. He had come to get a reaction. And he was about to get one. But not from me. One look at Taylor’s face and I knew she was about ready to explode. It was strange seeing her so angry.

Strange, but God it was hot.

“You did what?” Taylor’s bottom lip disappeared between her teeth again. “You broke into my room and–” Her blue eyes flickered up to me. “Why?”

I shrugged. “I’m not sure of that yet,” I admitted. “Maybe he is slightly infatuated with you. Maybe he thought he could get me to attack him, maybe he even thought I would kill you. I think he’s–”

“Obsessed with you.” She nodded. “I’m just a pawn to him.” Something steely glinted to life in her eyes. “Were you hoping to get him to attack me? Was that the plan? And you broke into my home and–” Her fist closed around the black glass chess piece. “You liked tasting me, huh?”

I raised an eyebrow. This was a side of her I had never seen before. A cold, calculating side.

Kev laughed, and the moment he did, I knew he shouldn’t have.

Taylor launched herself forward. She was smaller than him, so her sudden outburst did nothing more than make him stumble back a couple of steps. Swinging her arm back, she smashed her hand and the glass game piece straight into his mouth.

“You like the taste of me, don’t you? Then fucking choke on it.”

The sound of breaking teeth was loud in the sudden quiet. Much louder than Kev’s gargle of shock as she ground glass and teeth fragments into his mouth.

I could have helped him. I probably should have.

“Don’t ever break into my–”

“I’ll kill you.” Finally gathering his wits about him, Kev back handed her cruelly across the cheek. She stumbled backwards, and that’s when I moved. Catching her up around the waist, I held her kicking frame to my body. Twisting every which way, Taylor still tried to kick at him.

“You’re not going to kill anyone. You’re not even going to look in her direction ever again. Is that clear?” A coldness had taken over my voice. It held equal amounts of promise and threat

“She smashed that damn thing into my face.” Kev spat bloodily on the floor. “Stupid bitch.”

“That’s nothing compared to what I will do to you if you don’t watch your tone. Look at me, Kev.” I waited until he did before I spoke again. “Let me give you a little piece of advice. I don’t lose. Not ever. You come after me or the woman I love again and I will end you.”

“You love me?” Twisting in my arms, Taylor gazed up at me. “Like really love me?”

Bending down, I pressed my lips to hers. “Yes, Taylor Lawson, I love you. I wouldn’t have wanted to marry you if I didn't.”

Instead of smiling. She frowned. “My dress.” Pushing herself out of my arms again, she marched over to Kev and again slapped his face. This time there was no glass in her hand so it didn’t do as much damage. “You got blood on my wedding dress.”

I couldn’t help it, I laughed.


He had ruined my dream wedding dress. There was blood and spit all over the beautiful lace skirt. Closing my fist, I pulled my arm back to strike him again.

“Easy there, tiger.” My feet left the floor as The Judge picked me up.

“She's as crazy as you are.”

Holding me tight to his body, The Judge started to laugh. “Oh, I think she might be worse. If I were you, I would leave.” He jerked his chin towards the door.
