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“Thisismy room,” I told her. She looked around the room, seeming to notice a full hamper of my clothes for the first time. Her eyes were fixed on the bedside table and a bottle of cologne that sat on it.

“I thought—” she cut herself off.

“You thought you were getting your own room?” I asked.


“That’s not going to happen as long as someone is after you. You’re going to sleep in here with me, Solnishko.”

“First of all,” she said, raising a finger. “I’m not sleeping in the same room as you. Second of all,” she raised another finger, “Don’t give me a pet name.”

She stood as if she planned on walking out of the room, and I rushed forward, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her. I closed the door and flicked the lock before tossing her onto the bed and standing over her as she scowled at me. “You’re sleeping here, and I’ll call you whatever I want. I think Solnishko fits.”

“What does it even mean?” she asked.

I only smirked as I moved across the room and turned off the lights. When I turned back, she had my comforter around herself as she lay on the floor beside my bed. My smile dropped as I took a deep breath and moved toward her.

“I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you,” she argued.

I didn’t say anything as I bent and scooped her and the blanket into my arms before throwing them both on the bed and climbing atop her. She shoved at my chest, but I shook my head and pinned both of her flailing arms beneath her.

“Have I not made myself abundantly clear? You’re going to listen to me, or you’re going to face the consequences. Everything I do is to make sure you’re safe and alive. You’re not going to continue to question me and push my limits,Solnishko. Do you understand?”

Her chest rose and fell rapidly, but I saw a flicker of something in her eyes that I couldn’t place. It wasn’t fear or stubbornness. It was a heat that I recognized in my own gaze. “You’re not in charge of me.”

“I’m a second away from showing you exactly how in charge I am,” I told her, trying to ignore the throbbing in my cock as I looked at her. I remembered our night together, and no matter how many people I slept with to get her off my mind, she’d always been the one I couldn’t forget.

I wouldn’t let her get away this time.

“I don’t think you will,” she taunted.

All semblance of control left my body as I slammed my lips into hers, pulling that lip between my teeth and nipping it hard enough that she gasped against my mouth. “If you taunt me, you’re going to get hurt,” I told her, grinding my hips into hers in a way that showed her exactly how hard I was for her.

When she arched her back and thrust her hips toward mine, the small fraction of control I had over myself dissipated. She was mine, and I’d have her again.

“I’m going to fuck you, and I need you to tell me that you want it,” I told her. I wouldn’t care to hear it with anyone else but with her… I needed to hear her say the words.

“You want me to tell you I want you?” she asked against my lips. I slid my hand up her thigh, and she parted her legs for me. “What if I don’t?”

“I think you do,” I said, sliding a rough palm between her silk pajama bottoms and her skin. I moved my fingers to her folds and grinned. She oozed for me, and I swirled a finger around those folds, taking in the slickness there. She gasped and thrust into my hand. “Actually, I know you do. You can deny it with your mouth all you want. I can feel how much you want me.”

“Just this once,” she whispered, her breath hitching as I ran my thumb over the spot that sent her hips bucking. “Just tonight, and then we can talk about the room tomorrow.”

I nipped her lip again, and she cried out, moaning as I slid my boxers down my legs and revealed my length to her. She gaped as I aligned it with her opening and thrust into herhard.Her cry sent me reeling, and I groaned as I thrust again and again, watching her come undone beneath me. I dipped my head and gathered her breast in my mouth, sucking on the nipple and nipping it lightly.

That was her undoing. She shattered for me, and I came quickly after her, barreling into ecstasy as her tight pussy reminded me of why I wouldn’t ever let her go.

Chapter Six

Ciara Gilroy

I somehow managed to convince Viktor to nix the security detail escorting me to work and send Andrei instead. It may have been because I made the request while he was shafted inside of me, resting his head on my breasts and still breathless from what we’d just done together.

I didn’t feel comfortable leaving Sean with his usual babysitter while I worked, so Viktor and Nadia took on the task of keeping an eye on him as Andrei escorted me to work and sat at the corner of the bar, watching all the patrons mingle. I kept his drink of choice filled all night and the tab covered. It was the least I could do.

“Ms. Ciara,” another regular greeted as he strode toward the bar and leaned into it. “I tried coming to see you the other night, and you weren’t here. I thought you always worked on Tuesdays.”

My grin widened, and I nodded. “I had something personal come up, and I couldn’t be here.” I shrugged, leaning over the bar and giving him my usual chipper smile. “But I’m here tonight.”
