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The taste of her was sweet and luxuriating. I could make out the slight salty tinge of sweat, but her core taste overwhelmed everything else. I didn’t ever want to leave the warmth between her thighs, and as I sucked and licked and prodded her there, I drew cries as screams of ecstasy from her. She shuttered and bucked, trembling from the assault that surely broke her and put her back together time and time again.

I reached a free hand between my legs and began pumping myself. With her coating my tongue and my fist drawing more from me, I found myself consumed in the need and longing that I’d sought in other partners and failed to find. Only Ciara could make me feel this way. “Untie me, Viktor,” she begged through ragged pants.

I couldn’t resist that plea—the hoarseness of her voice and the way she said my name. I reached up to her wrists and unwound the belt from one of them. I didn’t dip back down to her pussy as I aligned myself and plunged into her.

“Oh my God,” she shouted, shuttering and clenching around me and wrapping both arms around my neck. She dug her nails into my shoulders, and I ground my teeth at the bite of pain that companied a sea of yearning.

“That’s right. I am your God, Solnishko, and now you’re going to come for me,” I growled down at her, grabbing the headboard in a white-knuckled grip as I met her eyes. “Come for me,” I demanded again.

She shuttered out a moan and tipped her head back, raking her nails down my chest. The pain of it brought a pleasure unlike what I’d ever felt. I groaned and found my own release right alongside her.

As I stared down at where she closed her eyes and cried out, I prayed she never learned how wrecked I was every time I looked at her. I hoped she never saw the invisible collar that she’d wrapped around my neck nine years ago and the leash that she carried with her every day since. Because the moment that she saw the hold she had on me, everything would change.

Chapter Eight

Ciara Gilroy

“I don’t know how you convinced him to let you keep working here,” Andrei said, looking me up and down as if I was hiding all the answers to his prying questions somewhere within sight.

I reminisced on what we’d done and how he’d left the room the following morning, grumbling about how Andrei would accompany me to my next shift so long as I promised not to leave his sight. He’d also said that if anything else happened, he wouldn’t untie me from the headboard next time. And when he looked me over with a devouring gaze that had me oozing for him, I knew he was serious. Viktor was a brutal man beneath everything, and if I pushed him too hard, I knew I’d see an ounce of that brutality.

Moreover, I had a feeling I’d like it.

Sleeping with him was a gamble, but I took it and didn’t regret it. It didn’t help that I couldn’t get that ecstasy off my mind since he left the bed at sunrise the next morning. I couldn’t get his predatory look out of my eyes or the way he acted unhinged in a way I’d never seen him.

If I’d thought he was bluffing about the lengths he’d take to guarantee my safety, I no longer believed that. Sex got me out of it this time, but if anything else happened and he got word of it…

“You can ask me all you want, but a girl’s got to keep her secrets,” I said with a chipper smile, bounding to the other side of the counter and wiping the surface of it. The bar was relatively slow at the dinner rush tonight, and the few people who did sit around were enjoying dinner and a drink. The music was low enough that conversation boomed, and I knew I still had a few hours until the first rush. “Do you want to eat, or do you want to continue drinking on the job?” I teased.

“Are they on the house again tonight?”

I scoffed. “Snitches usually get stitches, but I’m nice. I just make them pay for their own drinks.”

He raised his brows. “It’s part of the job. Do you know what would have happened if I didn’t tell him?” I shook my head, and he pointed to a faint scar on the side of his jaw. “Last time I kept something important from him, he broke my jaw. I’m not doing that for the sake of your peace of mind.”

I winced, wondering if he’d ever be so brutal with me. I didn’t think he would, especially since he’d let me get away with so much arguing. But if I ever decided to tell him the truth about Sean?

I shuddered, not even wanting to consider it.

“Well, I have to go to the bathroom. Do I need an escort there, too?” I mocked.

He deadpanned as I strode toward the public restroom and tugged on the door. It was locked, but the urge to use the restroom hit me hard and all at once, so I veered into the kitchen where I knew I’d find the employee restroom unoccupied. Nobody ever used it because of the grime and unclean nature of it, but it had never bothered me to hover and take extra care washing my hands.

I locked myself in the employee restroom and went about my business, using my foot to flush the toilet. I washed my hands extra thoroughly and made a mental note to put on additional hand sanitizer when I reached the bar. As I turned off the water and began drying my hands, I heard the telltale sign of two people striding inside the back door of the bar, and their low voices had me freezing.

“We’re going to be in and out, understood? He’s not here, and it’s the best time to make our move.”

Something about the words sent chills down my spine. I hadn’t ever heard these men’s voices before, and I’d worked here long enough to recognize anybody who came in and out of the bar through the employee’s entrance. They continued into the building, and I finally pulled myself from the bathroom, eyeing them as they went through the soundproof door and into the main bar area.

“Chef,” I said, striding up toward him. “Do you recognize them?” I asked.

He continued flicking something around in a sauté pan, not bothering to look up at me. “Who?”

How had I been the only one to see them? I’d only gotten a fleeting glance, so I couldn’t even give him a description. Maybe the whole situation had me becoming paranoid, but what had they meant when they said they had to get in and out of here? And who were they referring to when they said that “he” wasn’t here? Could it be Viktor?

The door swung open again, and I bolted toward the stock room, barely avoiding being seen as they came through the back doors and in my direction. The stock truck had arrived that morning, so piles of boxes and beer crates sat unattended. I slid behind a few of them and held still, listening as the men’s footfall approached.

“They said she’s back here,” one of them said. I didn’t dare to peek through the boxes as they strode right past me and into the cooler.

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