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I closed my eyes, placing an arm over my eyes as I allowed the tears to cascade down my cheeks. When I went back inside, I’d need to figure out what exactly I would do about this situation. I would have to be strong for Sean, no matter what decision I made.

But for now, I could allow myself to cry.


I had no sense of how much time had passed. I only realized that I’d fallen asleep as I bounced in someone’s arms. I buried myself into their chest, feeling the frigid wind beat into my limbs from all around. I’d known a storm was coming, and it felt like this person had come and gotten me in the nick of time.

I wasn’t fully cognizant enough to do more than snuggle into the warm fabric attached to the person’s body and take a deep breath.

That jarred me awake.

I froze, taking another long breath. I didn’t recognize the scent. The bulging muscles that carried me reminded me of Viktor’s, but the sharp smell of must and cologne sharply contrasted Viktor’s masculine, natural scent. I’d been drawn to it enough times to know that this wasn’t Viktor. It couldn’t be.

So, who was carrying me toward the house?

I opened my eyes and watched as we veered past the back patio and onto the grassy side of the house. The road rested a few yards ahead, and I stiffened as I saw a large black van with the doors thrown open.

I didn’t hesitate, I stiffened and thrashed relentlessly. Shocked by the sudden movement, the man who carried me lost his grip and dropped me. My back hit the ground, and a whoosh of air left me in a start. I turned as if to sprint toward the house. I opened my mouth to shout for Viktor, knowing he’d be inside and able to hear me. A hand came around my mouth just in time for me to be hauled into a hard chest.

“Stop fighting, and this will be easier for you,” the man spat, but I didn’t listen. I kicked and tried to bite his fingers with every ounce of might I had within me. But he didn’t give me easy access, and I didn’t gain even an inch as a sharp pain shot through my head and nothing but black remained.

Chapter Twenty-One

Viktor Nikolaev

I didn’t make it far into the house before Damien strode through the back patio door, sand covering his feet and legs. He brushed his hands off, scattering grains of sand all around the entranceway.

I narrowed my eyes as he looked between me and Andrei.

“She’s fine,” he said, gesturing behind him.

I looked over his shoulder and through the glass doors, finding a figure propped on her elbows. It only took me a moment to realize it was Ciara. I tightened my jaw. “Why were you talking to her?”

“She was sitting alone on the beach crying. I checked on her.”

I shot my gaze up to her and saw her lying back in the sand. From this distance, I couldn’t see anything more.

“Did you make her cry?” I asked, grinding my teeth.

“I tried to make her feel better, actually,” he said. He had no idea how close I came to slamming him through the glass patio door. I yearned to go out and ask her what had happened, but this had to come first. Once I figured out what to do about Damien, I could address whatever bothered her. For now, this was the primary safety concern. I also knew that if I walked outside and saw her crying, I wouldn’t be able to continue this meeting.

I’d leave her there for now and go for her once I finished with Damien.

“We need to talk.”

Andrei and I guided him back into the office, and he followed, clearly clueless about what we’d be discussing. He walked toward my office as if his life wouldn’t depend on what he said inside.

“I thought a lot about the situation with Ciara, boss,” he admitted. “I made amends with her outside a few minutes ago. That was my other reason for going and talking to her.”

That had been the last thing I’d expected him to say as I closed us in the room. He propped himself in a plush chair and leaned back, crossing an ankle over a knee. “Really?” I pushed.

“I don’t have a problem with her—just her family. As long as she doesn’t return to the family business, I think I can get over my past shit.” He shook his head. “Hell, she decided to leave her father before we even came into the picture. It says something about her.”

I had to agree.

“You’re too thick-skulled to have decided that so easily,” I said coming to stand in front of him.

“Usually, yes. But you love her. She gave you a son. This is an exception, and I can see that. I’ll treat her with more respect as long as she stays in her lane.”
