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I lick my lips, trying to catch my breath. “I’ve never had a man,” I finally admit.

“You never had a man do what, Sweetness?” his lips kiss my neck, a moment of fear gliding down my spine. The voice in the back of my head says run, but my heart is beating a million miles an hour, telling me to take that leap Daphne told me to take earlier.

“I’ve never had a man do anything, Dri.” I lean away from him and look him in the eye.

His jaw tenses, the muscle flexing and causing his jaw to become sharper, deadlier, and now I try to pull away from his arms, thinking I’m in danger or that he’ll hurt me.

Maybe this is what I need to be free, but now I’m finding that I want him and his approval.

“Don’t you dare try to get away from me.” His hand gently cups my jaw, and he stares intensely into my eyes. “Are you saying you’re a virgin, Mable? Are you saying…” he rasps, dragging his eyes down my body. “That no man has ever touched you?”

I shake my head, my eyes burning with tears because I don’t know if what is happening is good or bad. “No, no one. I haven’t wanted to.”

He growls low in his throat, and I can feel the vibrations from his chest tickling mine since he has me aligned with his body. The hard length of his cock presses against my lower belly. “Do you feel what that does to me?” He rips himself out of my arms and leaves me alone in the middle of the dance floor. He stands on a nearby table, kicking off the plates and champagne flutes. They shatter when they hit the ground, and a curious murmur rolls through the crowd. “Everyone, get the hell out! Party is over! Get. Out.”

“Have you lost your mind?” I yell at him. “What are you thinking? You can’t just make our guest leave. That’s so—”

I’m silenced when his hand covers my mouth, and he crowds me with his body, making me take a few steps back.

“I can do whatever the hell I want, wife, because when it comes to you, I don’t have control to string a complete thought together. You want to know what I’m thinking?” He snarls, his fingers wrapping around my throat. “I’m thinking how I’m taking you up to the room right now and claiming you as mine. Fuck the guests. I don’t give a damn about them.”

In a move I’m not expecting, he throws me over his shoulder, and I yelp, his hand slapping my ass as he charges out of the room.

“You’re a caveman! Put me down, Dri.”

“I’ll put you down,” he says, but continues walking down his mansion’s empty halls to get to his wing. “When I can throw you on the bed.”

I glance around for anyone to help me, to save me, but as his footsteps echo down the empty hall, I realize I can’t be saved.

Why do I like the sound of that so much?

Chapter Ten


My cock is as hard as steel while I charge up the steps. How can she expect me to dance with her with a smile on my face when she admits she is a virgin?

That no other has touched her or been inside her.

How could a man think clearly?

And the only man she’ll ever have is me. Forever. I know she thinks she’ll be able to go home, but that’s never going to happen.

She’s huffing and puffing, grumbling nonsense as I carry her up the steps.

I walk through the doors that take me to my own wing in the house, then kick it shut.

“Can you put me down now?” she asks.

I ignore her. I don’t think she fully understands how I’m barely able to keep a clear head. I open the bedroom door, carry her over the threshold, and then toss her on the bed.

She yelps and a few pieces of her hair fall from her clip. “Well, at least you put me down,” she says, sitting up on her elbows.

I yank off my bowtie first, then shrug off my jacket.

“What…what are you doing?” she asks, breathless, as she watches me unbutton my shirt.

I don’t say anything again. There’s no need to. Her nerves will settle, and she’ll see what’s about to happen.

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