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“You’d kill a pregnant woman?” I question, not daring to look at him. I keep my eyes glued to the table.

This is where things are different than Otello kidnapping me. He never hurt me. He never threatened to hurt me. He scared me, yes, but it was nothing like this.

I’m so afraid. I’m shaking.

And I’m heartbroken.

He’ll never be an uncle; I bet he would have been the best.

“You’re so sad,” my kidnapper pouts; his fingers slide under my chin, gripping it, forcing my head to the side so he can look at me. He bends down and sneers. “Good. You being pregnant only makes this so much sweeter.”

“He’ll kill you,” I mumble. “He’d kill everyone for me, and that’s something he’d never do for her.” I lift my eyes to the woman who looks like she’s been struck in the face by my words.

But then his hand meets my face, a solid slap across my cheek, and it burns. The iron taste of blood fills my mouth.

Adrian would never hit me.

“Maybe we can just ask for some money and give her back. Maybe—”

“That’s not how the Benedettis work, and you know it, Victoria. They kill first and ask questions later. We have to beat him to the punch. We’re a step ahead of the game.”

“She’s pregnant, Luis. You can’t kill a pregnant woman.”

“I can if it means securing our future. Her…condition changes nothing.”

“I think it changes everything.”

I lift my head when I hear Adrian’s voice. He has blood on his shirt and bags under his eyes. I’ve never seen him look so bad.

He drops a body from his arms, and I have to look away when I notice who it is. It’s the cashier from the store.

“You’re pathetic,” Adrian sneers, screwing a silencer to his gun. “You left a loose end, Rossiti. Do you know how easy it was for me to walk in there and get him to fold? He told me how you paid him to keep an eye on my family. It makes sense. We go there a lot for late-night…business. He sang your plan like a little bird and told me where you lived.”

“You killed him.” Victoria backs away slowly.

“Someone had to. Loose ends are never fun when they get tangled together.” He points the gun at the guy who kidnapped me.

“We can talk this out. We wanted you to marry Victoria. We’re in a bad way. We need mon—”

I scream when blood hits the side of my face. Another gunshot rings out, and suddenly, there’s silence.

“Mable.” Adrian is at my side instantly, cutting the binding around my wrist. “I have you. You’re okay. You’re safe.”

I throw my arms around his neck and pull him close. “You came. You’re here. It’s only been a few hours—”

“Nothing will stop me from getting you, Mable. Nothing. I will always come for you. I will kill, beat, and torture for you to bring you home. You’re mine. I love you. Do you get that? Do you understand how much I fucking love you? I’ve been out of my mind since I woke up alone. I can’t be without you. Anyone who gets in my way will die, Mable. No hesitation. I’ll shoot first and ask no questions.”

“I see that,” I say as he wipes the blood off my face.

I can’t focus on that too much, or I might throw up because this situation was way more intense than my first kidnapping.

He lifts me into his arms and takes me outside, placing me in the car. “I’ll be right back.” He stares up at the house, lights a match, and tosses it in the bush, which bursts into flames. “No evidence left behind.”

“But what if the fire department puts the fire out?” I ask him.

“They won’t. I paid them to wait an hour. Being a Benedetti has its perks. I’m going to take you to the hospital. We have to get you checked out. You’re pregnant, and that mother fucker slapped you across the face. I want to kill him all over again.”

“I am?” I place my hand against my stomach. “How do you know? I didn’t get to look before they kidnapped me. Wait, is Otello okay?”
