Page 42 of Collided

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Still on a high after the end of the gig, I made my way through the crowd towards my dad and June, accepting back slaps and words of congratulations. It felt amazing, but there was one person’s approval I cared about above all others.

“Where’s Cole?”

My dad shrugged. “He said he needed air. Listen, Hux, I want to tell you something.”

The seriousness of his tone caught my attention, and my stomach churned. That was the voice he always put on when he was disappointed in me.Shit. He’d found my stash of weed—no,fuck, he’d found out that Cole had been in my room last night.

“I’m proud of you.”

It took a moment for my dad’s words to penetrate my spiralling thoughts, but when they did, I was sure I’d heard him wrong. “Huh?”

A small smile pulled at his lips as he took in my shock at his words. “I said, I’m proud of you. You were great out there today. Honestly, Hux, I had no idea you were so talented, and I’m sorry that I haven’t been more supportive of this musical venture of yours.”

Was I in a parallel universe?

“I’m proud of you too,” June added, lightly squeezing my arm. “The whole group of you did so well.”

This was surreal. I had no idea how to respond—my brain was having trouble processing the things they’d just said to me. “Uh. Thanks. Uh.” Waving my hand in the direction of the stage, I mumbled, “Got to go and pack up,” before I escaped back the way I’d come from.

I wanted to find Cole, but I’d have to wait because I couldn’t risk our parents getting suspicious. Last night had been way too close, and it had made me pull back from him this morning. I didn’t know what to do—this was a fucked-up, weird situation that we’d found ourselves in, and neither of us knew how to navigate it.

By the time we’d got all the equipment packed up and into the van, my dad and June had left, and the pub was much quieter than it had been earlier. It was getting close to closing time, so Tom got us a round of pints before the bartender rang the bell for last orders. We needed to toast a successful night.

“I thought I saw Cole somewhere—oh, there he is.” Tom nodded to my left, and I followed his gaze. Cole was leaning against the wall, looking fucking hot with his tousled hair, Oasis T-shirt—that he’d liberated from my room—and frayed, worn jeans that I knew from memory hugged his ass in a very distracting way. His attention was on a guy talking to him. A dark-haired guy who was also objectively hot, with artfully ripped jeans and a Ramones T-shirt.

Jumping off the low stage, I stalked through the pub to the bar, undetected by Cole. I stopped when I drew close enough to hear the conversation, a table in between me and the bar.

“…hot as fuck. Do you know if he’s single and if he’s into men?”

Cole crossed his arms over his chest, straightening up as he stared at the guy. “He’s not single, so you’re wasting your time.”

“Okaaay…no need to get aggro, bro. I was only asking. You don’t ask, you don’t get.” The guy’s gaze flicked to the side, and he did a double take when he saw me standing there. He recovered quickly, turning to face me fully and holding out his hand. “Hey. I watched you play tonight. You’ve got some serious talent.”

I couldn’t help smiling as I stepped around the table to shake his hand. “Thanks.” Being complimented on my skills by random strangers was new and weird and exciting. They had nothing to gain by telling me that they liked what I did, and even though I didn’t know what to say in return other than “thanks,” it felt good to be recognised. It was validating, I guessed.

“Can I buy you a drink to celebrate? I heard this is your first proper gig.” As the guy spoke, the bell for last orders rang, and Cole stiffened next to him.

“Uh.” There was still most of a pint left in my glass, but I nodded. Why not? Who would turn down free drinks? “Okay. Thanks.”

The guy grinned. “I should probably introduce myself before I buy you a drink. I’m Scott. You’re Huxley, right? I’ve been following the band on social media.”

A noise came from Cole. Did he justgrowl? What the fuck was his problem? “Yeah. I can introduce you to the others if you want.”

“That would be amazing. What are you drinking? IPA?”

I eyed my pint. I had no idea what it was. It was cold and wet, and that was all I cared about. “Whatever’s on tap. I’m not fussy.”

“A man after my own heart.” He winked at me, which was a bit weird, but he was a fan, so I brushed it aside. The 2Bit Princes had afan. Fans.

Another noise came from Cole. When Scott turned to the bar to order our drinks, I glanced over at Cole, my brows raised in question. He glared at me.What?I mouthed, and he huffed out an angry breath, stomping around to my other side and dipping his head to my ear.

“That wanker’s into you, and you’re encouraging it. I already told him you weren’t single.” His words were hissed out through gritted teeth.

What? I stared at my fuming stepbrother. “Into me? No, he’s not. He’s just being friendly.”

“He’s fucking not. Before you got here, he told me you were hot as fuck and asked if you were single.”
