Page 17 of Knot Your Life

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“Damn, she’s going to be so mad. Bear said they were coming down to try and turn the tables but we just threw her under the bus,” Atlas said, letting out a low whistle.

Before we could say anything else, Dean’s phone rang. He picked it up and it showed an unknown number.

“She couldn’t be that quick, could she?” he asked, eyes wide.

“We didn’t change our numbers because of our work,” Atlas said with a laugh. “I’d bet money it’s Morgan. She likely didn’t delete and block us.”

“Let me answer it, please?” I asked, holding out my hand. My mate didn’t even hesitate before he put it in my waiting palm.

“This might be better than the show,” Atlas said as he turned his body to face me, waiting for me to answer.

“Hello?” I answered, keeping my voice calm.

“Ellie you bitch!” Morgan’s voice screeched into the phone. I let out a laugh, unable to stop myself. “How could you make me look so terrible on live TV?!”

“You did that to yourself, Morgan. Everything we said was the honest truth,” I countered. “If you want to blame someone, blame yourself.”

“They’d never be with a cunt like you!”

“She’s amazing,” Dean growled into the phone.

“Oh, you are there,” Morgan said drily. “She’s naive and a prude.”

“Not with us,” he argued. “She’s intelligent and amazing and she treats us like a partner should. You were a terrible girlfriend, Morgan. I haven’t missed you once since you left.”

She made a choking, angry sound that sounded more like a pterodactyl than a person.

“That’s a terrible thing to say, Dean. I loved you,” she argued in a quiet tone.

“Oh, she’s good,” I noted to the twins. “That almost sounded sincere.”

“You loved theideaof us, the status of having us, you didn’t actually love us,” Atlas said. “Why are you even calling, Morgan? Go be with your pack.”

“You’ll regret this,” she growled. “Two can play this game.”

“If you say anything that’s not true and try to spin lies to ruin us, we will sue you for defamation. Keep that in mind,” he countered before taking the phone and ending the call.

I’d never seen my twins so angry. I had a feeling that our plans for after were now ruined.

“Don’t worry, she’s not an idiot, she knows we’re serious,” Dean told his brother. “I need out of this house, though.”

“Are you guys alright?” I asked. Now guilt had settled into my stomach and I didn’t know how to fix this. “I never meant for it to turn into all this. It was just a way for us to get some petty revenge, expose her a bit. I didn’t consider retaliation.”

“I’m not worried,” Atlas said. “We’ll watch it, regardless, but for now, Dean’s right. Let’s rain check our plans and get out of here.”

“The river?” Dean asked his brother, who grinned back at him. They seemed even more relaxed with each other now.

Nothing like bonding over exposing your ex.

“Am I supposed to know this river you speak of?” I asked.

“Not yet. Go change into your bathing suit and something you can get dirty in,” he ordered me.

Twenty minutes later we were loaded up into my pickup truck, a cooler ready in the back, and stopping long enough for them to grab ice, drinks, and snacks.

“Should we call the others?” Dean asked. He was conflicted but I wasn’t.

“We’re a pack, but it’s alright for us to have our own moments like this. We need to relax, so the three of us are going to do just that,” I told him firmly.
