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His stare narrows even more. "But these images aren't just of me." His voice is husky. "They're of you and me doing…things."

My cheeks flame. "Yeah. They are."

He makes a lowhmmsound but says nothing else.

For some reason, he keeps going, turning page after page, taking in my wildest—and up until a few moments ago, most private—sexual fantasies.

Me on my knees, choking on his cock as I stare up at him, reverence in my eyes.

His body, pressed on top of mine, his fingers tangled in my hair, his hips pumping into me.

His face, contorted with ecstasy, as he unleashes deep inside me.

My leg starts bouncing involuntarily. I clasp a hand over my knee to stop the movement.

I've seen Miles expertly deal with high-stakes negotiations, execute multi-billion-dollar transactions, oversee complicated acquisitions and mergers, butthismust be throwing him for a loop because he's deadly quiet as his eyes continue to roam, page after page after page.

He must be fuming.

Yeah, that's it. That's why he's not saying anything. He's angry. In the entire time I've worked for him, I've never once seen him snap or lose his cool.

But I bet he's about to now.

He reaches the end of the sketch pad, and when he flips the pad over, it lands on his left leg, revealing…

Holy hell. Whoa. I must be seeing things. This can't be real.

I blink a few times. Yep. It's still there.

Miles Huntington is sporting the world's biggest hard-on, the bulge straining against the fabric of his pants.

He's not mad, he's…turned on.

I lift my gaze to his face. His jaw is still set tight, his frown lines haven't left, but his eyes—they're so dark they're almost black, and it sets off a tingle deep in my belly.

And a bit lower, too.

"Why?" The word comes out gravelly, like it's being drawn from the back of his throat.

"Why what?"

"Why did you draw us like that?"

I take him in. Gone is the usual cool, calm, and confident Mr. Huntington, replaced by a man who seems a lot less sure of himself.

Surely Miles knows how amazing he is? How he's the perfect combination of good looks and great personality that most people dream of finding.

But he's breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling, and the muscle in his jaw ticks in a way I've never seen before, so maybe, somehow, he doesn't.

How is this possible? I need to change that right fucking now.

"Because you're incredible. And I'm…"

Beneath my rib cage, my heart thumps away wildly. But I've come this far, might as well complete my fall from grace.

Call HR and security right now, because this sucker is going all in.

"I'm attracted to you. I have been from the moment we met."
