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Miles looks up at me. The light from the lamps casts a warm glow over one side of his face. God, he's so freaking handsome. His slight nervousness, if anything, only ups his attractiveness.

"You are?"

I bob my head. "Uh, yeah. But it's not just your appearance," I quickly clarify, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. "It's who you are as a person. You're powerful but not a jerk. You're rich but kind. You're a leader but you have a way of making everyone feel seen and heard. Like they matter. Even if they're not as important as you."

I heave back and force myself to stop rambling. There's too far, and then there's really going too far. I've crossed every line imaginable. There's no coming back from this now.

He shakes his head. "I…"

His gaze drops to the floor, then he looks out the window, then the bookcase in the corner, the kitchen, anywhere but at me, basically.

Shit. I've really blown it. Humiliating myself and losing my job is bad enough, but Miles looks like he's in actual physical pain. And it's all my fault.

I'vedone this.I'vemade a total mess and ruined everything.

"I feel the same."


Miles eventually runs out of places to look that aren't me and slowly turns his head. Two deep chocolatey pools meet my gaze.

I let out a relieved smile. "Really?"

"Yes." He swallows. "Really. But…"

No but, why does there have to be a but? Please stop talking.

"I'm your boss."

"That's true. But we are in a life-or-death situation." I point out the window to the howling, gale-force winds and torrential rainstorm bucketing down outside.

"We have a room in a hurricane-proof, five-star resort with water, electricity, and food to last us for days," Miles counters, a small smile curling the corners of his mouth. "We're safe."

"What if we pretend we're not?"

There's a needy edge to my voice, but I'm past the point of caring. I'm laying it all on the line.

This man has witnessed me having a panic attack, seen me cry, held me in bed, heard me blurt out all my feelings, and let's not forget that he's still holding a sketch pad filled with my debauched images.

Images I'm keen to bring to life.

Hey, if I'm going to lose my job, I'd like to go out with a bang…or five.

"What if we pretend we're in grave danger?" I go on. "That this is the last night of our lives. Let's imagine we can do anything we want. No consequences."

I lower my gaze. Miles's bulge is as prominent as it was before. I take that as a good sign.

My gut tightens with heady anticipation as I complete the transition from reality to fantasy.

"Is there anything you'd like to do to me,Mr. Huntington?"



Kyler is pinning me with a hopeful smile and a heated stare. He really is coming on to me. I'm not imagining it or dreaming it up.

This is not a drill. It's really happening.
