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Someone tugs on his arm, but his gaze lingers on me for a while longer until eventually, he turns away and joins in with whatever they're talking about. I gaze down at my arm. My hairs are standing on end.

The funny thing is, even though I've never been attracted to a guy before, I'm not actually thrown by my feelings for Pierce.

What does tip me off balance is how hot and cold he can be.

Like the time after our week-long hike, when we got back to work the next day, he was…distant. A small paranoid part of me thought he might have been avoiding me.

We go through periods where we talk and text and send each other stupid memes all day long, then other times I'm the one who has to reach out because unless I do, I don't hear from him for days.

I know he was badly burned by his last partner. He's told me he doesn't trust easily, and he always has his guard up. I get that. I'm the same way. Trust is something that's earned, not freely given.

But his relationship ended over a year ago.

Besides, why would that impact the way he is with me?

So yeah, while there is something between us, I'm not sure it would lead to us being a thing, as Firass seems to think.

I stare at the flickering flames and let out a massive yawn. "Guys, I'm beat," I say, getting up as a wave of exhaustion rolls over me. "Gonna call it a night."

"No worries, man." Firass looks up at me. "You okay?"

I take one look over the fire at Pierce goofing around. "Yeah. I'm fine."

And with that, I take off.
