Page 105 of The Duchess Effect

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Dani shot a look over her shoulder, startled. “Margery? I thought you were heading into town to run errands?”

She’d given up trying to convince Margery to be more informal with her. It had worked when she’d been staying with them as a guest before the tribute, but now that Dani was officially dating Prince Jameson, Margery had reverted to form. Such etiquette ran through her blood. But despite her formality, she’d remained kind and welcoming and Dani had grown to care for her quite a bit.

Margery nodded. “I am. I had a few things to finish up first. I was actually on my way out when Ms. Collins arrived. May I show her in?”

Dani frowned. Louisa was here? Why? They’d talked that morning. What had possessed the other woman to drive all the way out here? Had Dani sounded that bad over the phone?

“Yes, please. Thank you.”

“How long is this going to last?” Louisa asked, sweeping into the room with an air of briskness, switching on several table side lamps.

“What? I’m just relaxing. I was watching some stuff on my iPad.”

“I see. A saggy posture, downturned mouth, and vacant stare screams relaxation. Especially when there’s no tablet in sight,” she said scornfully after a moment, her eyes narrowed. “You’re not relaxing. You’re sulking.”

Dammit.“No I’m not.”

Louisa slowly shook her head. “I’ve been working with the royals for a while now. I know sulking when I see it.”

“I’m not a royal.”

“Royal adjacent.”

Ouch.“That’s not nice.”

“I don’t suppose it is. I thought it would give you the oomph you needed. But since it didn’t, I’m really worried.” Louisa sat on thesofa at Dani’s feet. “You’re a professional. You know how the game is played and what they’re doing.”

“Of course I do. But it doesn’t help our standing with the queen and it isn’t easy to live through. Plus”—Dani picked at a loose fiber on the blanket—“I got into a fight with Jay.”

“Don’t worry about Her Majesty. We will turn this around before the state visit with St. Lucia next week.” Louisa patted Dani’s knee. “As for Prince Jameson, it will be okay. I’m aware I keep saying it, but it’s true. That manadoresyou.”

“The feeling is most definitely mutual. And I know this is silly. I guess I didn’t expect it to catch me so off guard.”

“You’re not alone. Royals who know better have gotten swept up in it.”

“Is that why you’re here? To tell me pip pip and chin up?” She rolled her eyes. “You could’ve saved yourself the time and the gas and delivered that speech over the phone.”

“No. I was heading out here anyway. I wanted to assure you that we will deal with it, just not tonight.” Louisa smiled. “Tonight, you’re booked.”

“If by ‘booked’ you mean consuming a bag of potato chips and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s chocolate and caramel swirl ice cream all while bingeing the latest season of that show on Netflix where the best friends organize everyone’s house to make them look like a rainbow vomited, then you have that right.”

“That isn’t what I meant. Ladies!” Louisa called out.

Dani dropped her feet on the floor and shifted around to see five similarly dressed women stroll into the room. “What’s going on?”

“These are massage therapists and aestheticians from the Bulgari Hotel London. They’re here for you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s a surprise. From Prince Jameson. As I said, he adores you.He knew how hard this past week has been for you and he wanted to give you something to help youtrulyrelax.”

Dani’s heart swelled in her chest. That wonderful, wonderful man. He made her feel so special and cherished. Everythinghadto work out. She couldn’t lose him.

She wouldn’t.

“There’s five of them! I know I’m every woman, but not literally. I think one or two would suffice.”

“I believe they’re for us,” a familiar voice said, wryly.
