Page 106 of The Duchess Effect

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Dani shrieked and jumped off the couch! “Nyla!”

“And me,” another voice chimed in.


Dani rushed forward to meet her friends, excitement and happiness combining to make her giddy. She felt suddenly energized, as if her insides were doing the good knees challenge. “What are you doing here?”

Nyla hugged her. “I missed you.”

“I missed you more,” Dani said. “When we texted earlier you said you were working on a new project.”

“I am,” Nyla said, her grin wide on her beautiful face. “This.”

“And what about you?” Dani asked Yolanda Evans. She’d met the tennis star at the ESPYs several years ago and they’d easily become friends. “Shouldn’t you be taking some time off? You just won the U.S. Open.”

“I’m planning to,” Yolanda said. “I get three weeks in Curaçao. But I could take a couple of days for you. Thank you for the flowers and champagne, by the way. They were beautiful.”

“You’re welcome. I’m so proud of you.” She turned to Louisa. “Jay planned this part, too?”

“He did.”

“Then I’ll have to thank him when he returns. And thank all ofyou for being here. I didn’t know how much I needed this until I saw your faces.”

“Is there room for one more?”

Dani’s eyes widened and she sent an incredulous look to her friends, before moving to welcome the older woman who stood confidently just inside the door, beautiful in a cream fit and flare dress with cap sleeves, her dark hair twisted into an elegant bun.

One of these things is not like the others...

“Your Royal Highness,” Dani said, sliding into a curtsy.

And cursing the fact that she was doing so in cheetah yoga pants, a black off-the-shoulder tunic, and Ugg slippers.

“I told you that isn’t necessary,” Jameson’s mother said, reaching out a halting hand.

If they were alone, Dani would have heeded her wishes, as Jameson’s mother insisted on informality each time they visited. But in a room full of people, half of whom were strangers, it didn’t seem right not to follow the correct protocol.

She motioned Nyla and Yolanda over, hoping she remembered to do this properly.

“Calanthe, you remember my friend Nyla Patterson from the tribute ball. And this is another of my good friends, Yolanda Evans. Ladies, this is Her Royal Highness Calanthe, Duchess of Wessex.”

Louisa gave her a little nod that Dani took as indication she’d gotten the introduction correct.

“A pleasure. You must be really good friends to travel all this way on a mission of mercy.” Calanthe shook their hands before they could descend. She directed her attention once again to Dani. “Don’t blame Louisa. I forced her to include me.”

“That’s not true,” Louisa said.

Calanthe’s blue eyes twinkled. “Jameson told me what he was planning and why. It made me proud to behold my son being athoughtful partner. I only wanted to stop by for a quick chat. If you don’t mind.”

“I’d be happy to,” Dani said, biting her lip.

With her usual efficiency, Louisa shepherded the group toward the door. “I’ll take everyone to the suite of rooms where Nyla and Yolanda can change, and the spa technicians can set up.”

When they were finally alone, Calanthe looked around. “This used to be my old drawing room.”

“I know. I mistakenly thought this was where you did arts and crafts,” Dani admitted. “You know: Drawing. Room.”

Calanthe tried to cover her mouth, but a gurgle of laughter still managed to escape. “Arts and crafts?”
