Page 108 of The Duchess Effect

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“I was just telling Dani how it felt to look up in the Royal Box and see her sitting there,” Yolanda said.

“That reminds me, congratulations on Wimbledon.” Nyla slid onto a neighboring settee as if her body contained no bones.

“Thanks.” Yolanda laughed, flexing her bare feet on the chair’s matching ottoman. “But I didn’t win Wimbledon.”

“You made it to the semifinals!” Dani said. “The way you felt seeing me in the box is the same way I, and millions of other girls who look like us, felt seeing you on Centre Court playing your ass off. And it was close. You’ll get there. I have no doubt.”

“I appreciate both of you.”

“Same, sis,” Nyla said, her eyes closed.

“Speaking of being up in the Royal Box during your exhibition,” Dani began, sliding a look at Yolanda, “did you know Liam Cooper couldn’t take his eyes off you once you stepped onto the court?”

Nyla’s lashes flew up and she pointed her finger at Dani. “Spill it!”

“I know you don’t consider yourself an expert but that’s how watching tennis typically works,” Yolanda said dryly.

“Ha. Ha.” Dani rolled her eyes. “But seriously, he seemed very taken with you. He mentioned he’d played tennis when he was younger and said he was a fan.”

“Interesting,” Nyla said, drawing the word out in several syllables.

“That’s one word for it,” Dani said.

A blush tinted Yolanda’s light-brown, freckled cheekbones. “He signed up for the celebrity doubles tennis tournament I’m participating in to benefit the Arthur Ashe foundation. We’re supposed to be partners.”

Nyla smirked. “Seems like ‘interesting’ might be the right word after all.”

“I’m focused on my career. I don’t have time for anything else right now.”

Dani jerked her head back. “I know Liam’s young, but how much stamina do you think he has? How long do you think it takes? I didn’t say relationship. I said you need to get that puss patted.”

“Ride the bologna pony,” Nyla added.

“Get some sour cream on that taco!”

“Foxtrot, uniform, charlie, kilo!”

“You two are so fucking childish!” Yolanda laughed and threw a pillow at Nyla.

“Maybe,” Dani said, sobering, “but I’m grown enough to know how lucky I am to count you both as my friends. You’re giving up valuable vacation time to be here and Nyla is in the middle of shooting—”

“I’ll have to fly back tomorrow afternoon and that jet lag will be a bitch. But you know I’d do anything for you.”

“And that brawny D!” Yolanda crowed.

“Thatwillmake it easier to tolerate,” Nyla conceded. “But I was truly worried about you. First, these tabloid headlines, then... did you tell Louisa you got into a fight with Jameson?”

Dani nodded. “We did.”

“What about?” Yolanda asked.

“He’s angry about the press coverage and the things they’ve been saying about me.”

“That’s understandable,” Yolanda said. “I imagine he just wants to protect you.”

Dani could feel herself becoming irritated. “But I don’t need him to protect me. I’ve been taking care of myself since I was fourteen.”

Maybe she needed to get some fucking shirts printed!
