Page 109 of The Duchess Effect

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“Because you had to. Part of finding someone who loves you isallowing them to shoulder some of your burden.” Nyla frowned. “But I don’t understand how it turned into an argument.”

“He’s angry enough to leave and I... I don’t think it’s necessary.”

“By ‘leave’ you mean—”

“Walk away from his official duties for the royal family.”

“And you don’t want that?” Yolanda asked.

“Hewants it, and of course I support him, but... not yet.”

“I know the coverage this week hasn’t been ideal, but you could come back to L.A.,” Nyla said, her tone making it clear she thought the solution was obvious. “Attend some charity galas, hit a few more premieres.”

Dani recoiled. “Jay would hate that.”

“Why? It’s the same type of stuff you did here, and you’d be killing two birds with one stone. A few events in L.A. to shore up the whole positive branding angle and you’re out of the U.K. and away from the media here. Seems like a win-win to me. Why would he object to that? It doesn’t make sense. Unless you—” Nyla broke off, her expression contorting into disbelief.

Yolanda glanced between the two of them. “What?”

Nyla didn’t take her gaze from Dani’s. “You never told him, did you?”

“Let me expl—”

“Oh my God!” Nyla sputtered, rising. “I can’t believe it! You never told him what happened during your meeting with Genesis and the compromise your team came up with? Are you crazy? Did you really think you could go through all of this without him ever knowing?”

Dani clenched her jaw and crossed her arms.

“Andthat’swhat the argument was about. He’s seeing how you’re being treated by the press and he’s willing to leave but you’ll put upwith it because you need him to stay in a little while longer.” Nyla shook her head. “What are you doing?”

“What I have to do to secure my deal. The state visit is next week.”

Yolanda stood. “What’s going on?”

“I’ll fill you in on the details later,” Nyla said. “Long story short, Dani is on the verge of screwing up something great.”

“You don’t understand! He hates this life so much. The only reason he’s staying is because of his mother. Hismother,Nyla. He’s already said if it weren’t for her, he’d walk away. I’m just some woman he’s been dating for a few months.”

“But he loves you. He disobeyed the queen and told the world what you meant to him. I’m sure if you asked—”

“And are we forgetting, I shouldn’t need his involvement!” Dani unfolded from the chaise and jerkily got to her feet, the anger flaring inside making it impossible for her to remain still. “It’s my company. The fact that I need him to doanythingfor this deal to go through is preposterous.”

“You’re right,” Yolanda said. “It’s bullshit. But you do. And based on what I’m hearing, I agree with Nyla. He needs to know about it.”

“I’m sorry, but no. Mela-Skin begins and ends with me. It’s my responsibility. I can’t let its future, or my own, ride on the actions of anyone else.”

Nyla rolled her lips inward until they practically disappeared. “I hope you know what you’re doing. You’re a fighter, Dani, but this time you’re fighting the people who are already on your side. If you continue on like this, he’ll leave. Not because he doesn’t love you or want to be with you but because you’re going to push him away.”

Chapter Twenty-One

Duchess to Prince Jameson: “Castles for All of My Friends, or Else!”

The Sun

Jameson sat at the large oak desk in the drawing room of Hillsborough Castle, the royal family’s official residence in Northern Ireland. He’d been unable to stop his conversation with Rhys from repeating in his mind. He resented his friend questioning Dani and her loyalty to him. But he couldn’t deny he sometimes had a blind spot when it came to her.

Or a blind canyon, as Rhys would call it.

Still, he knew something was going on and he was disappointed that she wouldn’t trust him to help her with it. Hadn’t he proven he’d do whatever he could to protect her?
