Page 114 of The Duchess Effect

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Catherine tilted her head back. “The queen is a living symbol of our nation, our head of state.”

“A figurehead who gives people something to focus on when they’re unhappy about their own lives and the conditions that may have caused it.”

Dani was pretty familiar with that play because it wasn’t all that different in America. They sold people on the American dream. Had everyone believing they could achieve it. But no one ever questioned who that dream was for.

Catherine narrowed her eyes. “The monarchy provides stability and continuity.”

“Ahhh. Being raised to value the old ways means it’s difficult to accept change. You know that saying about old dogs and new tricks? Just because it’s what you’ve always done doesn’t mean it’s what you should always do!”

Spots of color dotted Catherine’s cheeks. “Our entire existence is devoted to service.”

“And you’re the only ones? Is the good you do superior to what’s done by other countries just because you have a monarchy? Couldn’t your family set up a huge charitable trust and do the same things you do now? Except then people wouldn’t bow and scrape to you, right? Is it about doing good for your fellow man or getting off on your own power?”

Catherine crossed her arms over her chest. “Does it make you feel better to denigrate an entire system of government because of poor choices you made?”

“I’m glad you brought up choice. For people here, there is none. They are ruled, led, whatever”—Dani waved her hand dismissively—“based on a genetic lottery. Instead of Queen Catherine, they’ll get King Julian. And you can’t tell me, with a straight face,that’sin the best interests of the monarchy.”

“You... you couldn’t possibly understand,” Catherine said, her jaw tight.

“Y’all can keep saying it, but it’s not true. I comprehend your words; I just place a different value on them than you. Have you ever asked yourself why this shit has to be ingrained in you from birth? Could it be that otherwise, you’d all get how ridiculous this is in today’s world?”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Queen Marina Welcomes Saint Lucian Prime Minister Veronica Auguste for Ceremonial Visit

Leader Visits as Her Country Decides Its Future with the Commonwealth

The Telegraph

Dani knew she would never learn her way around the palace.

It was huge and disorienting. It reminded her of a game she used to play as a kid, where she and her friends would spin around until they got dizzy and then try to race each other. That’s how she felt coming here. She’d been to several of these rooms multiple times and yet until she entered them, she had no clue where she was.

But she knewthisroom. It had been designated for the royal family to assemble in before state functions. But for Dani it was where she’d realized her relationship with Jameson had gone beyond a fling. That she was in much deeper than she’d ever imagined.

Interestingly enough, she felt similarly about her current situation. Giving in to nerves, she smoothed a hand over her hair—which had been parted in the middle and slicked back into a chignon at the base of her neck—then down the front of the sleeveless, mock neck, floor-length gown in pale blue, with a tulle capeoverlay adorned with beaded embellishments. It was an exquisite gown, but one she’d never have chosen to wear. It wasn’t her style.

But she didn’t have a choice.

Her contract depended on being at this state dinner and if she didn’t conform to the queen’s vision, she wouldn’t have been allowed.

Then get to it.

Dani nodded to the footman, who opened the door.

The room was small by palace standards, but lavishly furnished, with a magnificent fireplace, chairs covered in gold and crimson silk damask and circular antique tables on an oversized Aubusson carpet.

A small group was already there, but Dani didn’t immediately join them. She needed a moment to compose herself. Part of her wished she could’ve talked to Jameson but it was probably best she hadn’t. If he’d seen her, he would have wondered why she was going through all of this. Hopefully, it was the last thing she’d have to do. She just needed to hold off his questions a little while longer.

She spied a gold glass display case that housed ornamental trinkets and she smiled, drawn to it. Whether it was black angels and state souvenir plates or snuffboxes and fancy jeweled fans, old ladies loved their tchotchkes. The fact that she could find a measure of comfort in something that reminded her of Nana, in a place that couldn’t be further from where Dani came from, actually grounded her and lightened some of the tension constricting her chest.

“I spy the work of Mummy’s longtime dresser,” Catherine said.

So they were on speaking terms after their conversation yesterday?

Dani reinforced her spine and turned to face the Princess Royal, who looked stunning in a frothy ivory tulle gown, a diamond and pearl tiara nestled in her strawberry blonde hair.

“I’d hardly call it work,” she said, clasping her hands in front of her. “More like advice. I have my own people.”
