Page 115 of The Duchess Effect

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Catherine eyed her from head to toe. “Well, you look lovely.”

“Because I don’t look like me?” Dani arched a brow, not ready to let up.

“They’re just clothes. You’re still you. And don’t look so surprised,” Catherine said, her tone light. “Reasonable people can disagree. It doesn’t mean we must be mortal enemies.”

In the real world, Dani knew that to be true, but she’d learned the rules inthisworld didn’t always make sense. Catherine would have to excuse her for not letting her guard down. Isn’t that what they did, lured people into a false sense of security?

And then it was off with their head!

“Are you ready for today?”

Dani had read up on St. Lucia, its history with the Commonwealth and the queen’s objective. Marina seemed intent on holding tight to a former colony, situated thousands of miles away, that sought to claim the right to rule themselves. The monarchy as a jealous psycho ex. That seemed about right. Dani disapproved of the strategy the queen had in mind but all that was required of her was to look “presentable,” be knowledgeable, and converse with their guests. All things she could do.

Just keep your eyes on the prize.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Make sure that you are,” Catherine said, adjusting the blue sash that draped over her shoulder and across her torso.

Dani’s gaze skimmed over the people assembled. “Where’s Julian?”

“You didn’t think he’d actually be here, did you? It would defeat the purpose of what we’ve spent the past month attempting. He andFi have been shipped off to Scotland. I’m sure Fi would’ve preferred staying here but until the baby is born, they’re a packaged pair.”

Dani wrinkled her nose. “Cynical much?”

“Realistic,” Catherine said, shrugging her shoulder.

Earlier, Dani had noticed Bettina kikiing with a blonde whose back was to her. Now the woman shifted... and Dani went still. “What is Lady Imogen Harrington doing here?”

Catherine glanced over and her expression tightened. “Mummy wanted a word before the banquet began.”

Dani couldn’t swallow past the boulder lodged in the back of her throat. Marina didn’t do anything without a reason. Why bring Jameson’s ex into this small gathering?

Once this is over the queen will have no further use for you.

Is that when Imogen’s usefulness will begin?

Catherine brightened. “He’s here! Thank God. If you’ll excuse me...”

She started then reached out and squeezed Dani’s hand. Dani met her gaze, shocked by the sympathetic gesture, and the Princess Royal nodded to her before leaving to approach the man Dani had been introduced to as Lord Stafford, Catherine’s husband.

An aide approached with a short, dark-skinned woman wearing a beautiful gray and turquoise dress with a matching turquoise jacket. Her locs were gathered at the crown of her head and cascaded down her back, almost to her waist.

“Duchess, please meet Veronica Auguste, prime minister of St. Lucia.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” the prime minister said, her English accented with a touch of Creole patois.

“Likewise, Madam Prime Minister,” Dani said, shaking the hand of a woman who would fit in at any of her family’s gatherings.

“Your music is very popular with a lot of our younger generation, but I find I’m a fan of your skin-care line.”

“Really?” Dani asked, surprised and elated. “You use Mela-Skin?”

“Yes, you have a great moisturizing sunblock that is easy on the face. Since St. Lucia has a tropical climate, I use it daily.”

“That means a lot to me. Thank you. I’ll make sure to send some to you.”

Mrs. Auguste nodded. “I was really disturbed to learn of the bombing of the childcare center that mainly serviced immigrant families. I believe you visited with some of the victims?”
