Page 35 of The Duchess Effect

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“Think of Parcellum as a holding company. They don’t manufacture or sell anything or conduct any other business. They exist solely to hold controlling stock in other companies. All their subsidiaries operate independently and Parcellum has no input or oversight into their day-to-day operations. So, there was no reason for them to get involved in Genesis’s deal with Mela-Skin. But as we’ve said again and again, your relationship with Jameson has raised your profile to another level. One that even an organization like Parcellum can’t ignore. They want in on it.”

“Fuck that! I’m so done with them! And clearly, it’s not being hangry. It’s how I feel.”

“I understand. But while they were busy being greedy, they failed to recognize things have changed,” Andrea said.

“What do you mean?” Dani asked.

“Before the tribute, Genesis was in the position of power. They were able to call the shots because they were the only company willing to come to the table after the scandal broke.” Andrea held up her phone. “Since the tribute, we’ve been contacted by all the companies who initially bowed out plus several others. The field is once again wide open.”

What was that lighthearted feeling bubbling in her chest? Was it hope?

Dani slammed her palm on the table. “Let’s tell Genesis and Parcellum to fuck off and then commence negotiations with the other companies. But not the ones that canceled on me. They can fuck right off, too!”

Tasha shook her head. “You hold a grudge like it’s your religion.”

“Petty-ologists of the world, unite!”

“I wish it were that simple,” Andrea said, through their laughter. “We may not have a contract with Genesis, but there’s a letter of intent to contend with—one that’s been signed by both parties.”

Dani leaned forward. “But letters of intent are not a contract. You said it was just a record of the understanding between us and Genesis. What their company intended to do in acquiring Mela-Skin.”

“It is. But there are parts that can be binding. We’ll need the lawyers to look at it closely and advise us on how we should proceed.”

“Then let’s do that.”

“We will. And we should tread carefully until we know for sure. You are one of the most popular women in the world and one half of the most exciting couples to come around in a long time. Parcellum isn’t going to allow Genesis to let you go now. They could take us to court, claim we didn’t negotiate in good faith. If we get involved in a long drawn-out legal battle, Mela-Skin can be tied up for years. So, we probably shouldn’t tell them to fuck off. At least not yet.”

“You’re joking?”

“I’m afraid not. Any asshole can file a lawsuit, whether the case has merit or not. Parcellum has money to spend and time on their hands. If they sue, no other company would want to come near us until everything was resolved.”


Dani wanted to pull out her hair. She was just a woman, with a company, seeking control over her life and choices.

Why did it feel like it was getting more and more difficult to manage?

“With that said, they don’t want to sue you. They want to be in business with you. Because of your increased public persona and interest from the other companies, we do have leverage. The trick will be in determining how to use it to our advantage.”

Tasha placed a large iPad in the center of the table. “Bennietexted to see how the meeting went and I told her what happened. She wants to chat.”

Dani nodded and leaned back in her seat as a small breeze flowed across her heated skin, rare for the usually humid summer weather. Tasha tapped the screen several times and Dani’s agent appeared, her strawberry blonde hair falling sleekly around her face.

“Are you okay?” Jane “Bennie” Benedict asked, stylish rimless reading glasses perched on her nose.

“Not really. I thought we’d finally be done but things now feel further away than ever.”

Bennie nodded. “I get that. But they still want to go through with the deal, right?”

“If Jameson is involved!”

“It makes no sense and yet I see why they want it. The two of you generate a lot of media attention, and in an environment where advertising and related marketing costs are escalating, organic reach and engagement for any brand is of great value.”

“I can’t do it, Bennie. And you know why.”

One, she and Jameson had made a pact to keep their personal relationship separate from their other obligations. Hell, it had been her idea! What would it say to him if she suddenly changed her mind because it benefited her? He’d think she was using him just like others had in the past.

Two—and most importantly—it washercompany. She felt like that kept getting lost in the discussion.
