Page 54 of The Agent

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The curse that crossed his lips was filthy, and God help her, it made Camila want him even more. Roman made good on his promise, exploring her body with both hands. The spot behind her ear, the surprisingly sensitive skin beneath her jawline, the curve beneath her breasts. He mapped her body as if committing her to memory, cataloguing every inch with his fingers, then following with his stare. Sliding a hand to her shoulder, he held her steady as he rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger. The friction sent a shot of heat straight to her pussy, and oh, God, she needed more. She grabbed his free hand and slid it between her legs, nearly flying apart at both the sound he let out and the drag of his fingers over the soaking wet lace.

“You want it so badly, don’t you?” he asked.


The fingers that had been on her nipple moved to her mouth in a flash, pressing against her bottom lip to hush her. “You feel this?” He circled her clit, just once, over her panties, and she was unable to stop her moan. “This want you’ve got, all built up inside?”

Camila nodded, chasing another sweep of his fingers with her hips, and Roman pinned her with a stare so intense, it stole her breath.

“This is nothing compared to what I feel when I look at you every fucking day. I’ve been trying so hard to fight it, but I can’t anymore.”

“Then don’t,” she said, looking right back at him. “I meant what I said. Take what you want.” She thrust against his fingers, slow and hard. “Allof it.”

As if the words had snapped his composure, he yanked her panties down, lowering himself to his knees in front of her. Camila barely had time to bemoan the loss of sensation from his fingers before he’d replaced them with his mouth, and oh,God.

A sound came out of her, some combination of a moan and a cry. Whatever it was served as encouragement, and Roman wrapped one arm around her lower back to hold her steady as he nudged her feet apart with his shoulders. He teased her clit with a few soft flicks of his tongue, and she nearly doubled over at the pleasure spiraling down her spine.

Camila put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. Not that it helped when he increased both the speed and pressure of his tongue. Sparks shot through her, growing hotter and more insistent, and she couldn’t hold back. She rocked against Roman’s mouth as he licked her clit in firm, fast strokes. His moan vibrated against her hyper-sensitive skin, and when he dropped his free hand low between her legs to slide a finger into her pussy, she moaned right back.


He withdrew his finger, but only to replace it with two. Release built low in Camila’s belly, and there, there, oh—


He didn’t stop. He didn’t slow. He didn’t do a single thing other than lift his eyes to look at her, and the sight of him kneeling between her legs, his tongue buried in the exact spot where she needed him most, sent her right over the edge. Roman rode out her orgasm, wringing every last pulse and gasp and cry from her before softening the contact of both his fingers and mouth. He scaled back in degrees, then shifted to find his feet, standing in front of her.

“Perfect,” he murmured, making Camila laugh softly through her pleasure-haze.

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“Good, because I’m just getting started with you.”

This time, she caught his hand to hold him steady. “I get a turn, first.”

Wordlessly, she lifted his T-shirt over his head, then undid his jeans to reveal a pair of snug black boxer briefs. Camila’s heart did a little backflip at the sight of his cock standing at full attention against the fabric, and she slipped her hand past the waistband, circling her fingers—okay, wow—around him.

“Camila.” A muscle tightened across his jaw, sending a thrill through her chest.


He thrust into her hand as she moved it in a slow glide. “I want…Christ, that feels good.” He reached down to pull his jeans and boxer briefs lower, covering her hand with his own for two long, hard, root-to-tip strokes before stilling her. “We need to take a second.”

Of all the things he might’ve said, that was not what she’d been expecting. “For?”

The edges of Roman’s mouth tipped up into just enough of a smile to send heat flooding back between her thighs. “Well, first of all, if we don’t, I’m in danger of making this an embarrassingly short encounter. And secondly, while I am dying to fuck you until you forget your name, we’re in an FBI safehouse. They come stocked with a lot of things, but…”

Camila blinked, following the mental breadcrumbs until—“Oh!”

“Sorry,” he said. “I know it’s not the sexiest topic.”

She couldn’t help it. She laughed. “Okay, you’re standing in front of me, mostly naked and definitely gorgeous, telling me how badly you want to fuck me. That’s pretty sexy all by itself. The fact that you’re also concerned about making it a safe experience? Also hot. But you don’t have to worry. I’m on the pill, and I don’t have any STIs. That said, I also have condoms in my purse, if going without one makes you uncomfortable.”

“It doesn’t,” Roman said. “But that’s not my call to make alone.”

Camila looked at him. He never would’ve said he was comfortable going without a condom if he had any doubt about his health, plus, she was pretty rigid about taking her pills like clockwork. “It doesn’t make me uncomfortable, either.”

He slanted a kiss over her mouth. It started slow and sweet, just a soft press of their lips. But then Roman’s hand trailed up her neck, his fingers tangling in her hair to tip her head back, and the need in her belly roared back to life. Camila slid her thumb over the crown of his cock, her own body tightening as his muscles tensed. Roman kicked the rest of the way out of his clothes, andwhoa. Between his lean muscles, smooth dark brown skin, and his stare that glittered with intensity in the shadows, he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.

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