Page 37 of Forever

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Gareth led me out to the dance floor as the beginning note of "Forever Love" sounded from the speakers. He wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me to him while his other hand cradled mine against his chest. We swayed and moved to the music.

"I can't believe we made it here and you're finally my wife," Gareth whispered in my ear. He tugged me closer and I breathed in the smell of him. "The minute I laid eyes on you in that diner, that was it for me. I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with you."

I sniffed back the tears. It had taken me a little longer to believe that I deserved some one as kind of loving as Gareth. "I didn't believe this kind of love was possible.This has been the best night of my life. Although, I expect to have many more best nights."

His grip tightened on me making me feel safe and secure in his arms."You've made me the happiest man ever. I love you so much, Livvie."

"I love you too."

We moved around the dance floor, just the two of us. I would love this man, forever.




It had takenus almost two years.

I’d talked to Marcus about investing in the club, but that I’d need a year or so to put the money together. He put his plans on hold until I’d been able to come up with my portion of the capital. It helped that he’d been my financial planner for five years. I’d earned a lot of money during that time.

“What do you think aboutParadise?”

Donovan scrunched his nose and pulled back in distaste. “I know you have to be kidding. Definitely not.”

I shrugged. I’d never been any good at coming up with names. Hell, I’d wanted to name my one and only childhood pet, Fricker.

“Hold up, I think Gareth is getting us somewhere. We want the name to be something that represents what’s inside in a play on type of words, right? To describe what you’ll find when you walk through the doors.”

We all nodded.

“We’re creating an exclusive BDSM club. A place that caters to your wants and desires. A place you have to pay a lot of money to enter. We want it to be decadent. Sinful even. Tempting.”

“Eden,” I breathed out.

Donovan backhanded my chest. “Holy shit, man, that’s perfect. You’re looking at a place of the ultimate sin. I love it.”

My gaze darted to meet Marcus’ to gauge his reaction. A slow smile spread across his face. “That’s it. Right now, it’s the three of us putting up the capital. I own thirty-four percent and you two the other thirty-three each. Are you opposed to adding on another investor at a later date?”

Donovan shook his head. “I have a buddy who might be interested.”

“Great.” Marcus turned to me. “Livvie’s on board with the partnership and the club?”

“Absolutely. I think she’s more excited about it than I am.”

“I can imagine,” Donovan said with a hint of a smile.

Marcus started to speak and then stopped.

“What?” I asked.

He let out a heavy sigh and seemed to brace himself before speaking. “I’m thinking of asking Bridget for some ideas about color schemes and layout. She’s been managing that boutique for a while and has a much better sense of style than any of us.”

Neither Donovan nor I could hold back our shudders. We were all fond of her, but this was Bridget we were talking about. There was no doubt she’d use the opportunity to boss us around, and being Doms, that was one thing we didn’t take very well. Especially from a bratty, sassy sub like her.

“As much as it pains me to agree with you, I think she’s a good choice,” I said. “Maybe she can recruit Livvie to help her.”

Marcus nodded. “I’ll give her a call tomorrow and propose it to her.” His gaze passed between Donovan and me and a slow smile spread across his face.

“I have a really good feeling about this club.”

An answering grin crossed my face, and I picked up my bottle of beer, holding it up in the air. “A toast.”

Marcus and Donovan raised their bottles as well.

“To us. To our friendship. Our partnership. Our success. May our endeavor be prosperous and provide us with a sense of comfort and security. ToClub Eden.”

Donovan and Marcus’ voice echoed mine, “ToClub Eden.”
